Thursday – August 1, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter.

Today at 06:19:03 the Moon enters Cancer (in domicile).

In August, MERCURY is making its mischief through retrograde in the sign of LEO, and then in the sign of VIRGO: Here are the important moments of this transit:

MERCURY entered the sign of LEO on July 2 at 15:50:02,

MERCURY entered the sign of VIRGO on July 26 at 01:41:48,

MERCURY stations retrograde in the sign of VIRGO on August 4 at 07:56:03,

MERCURY goes retrograde in the sign of VIRGO on August 6 at 07:56:03,

MERCURY goes retrograde in the sign of LEO on August 15 at 03:15:28,

MERCURY stations direct in the sign of LEO on August 28 at 00:13:56,

MERCURY goes direct in the sign of LEO on August 30 at 00:13:56,

MERCURY goes direct in the sign of VIRGO on September 9 at 09:50:06,

MERCURY enters the sign of LIBRA on September 26 at 11:08:43.

In this #astrovlog, I talk about how this retrograde cycle works and how we can use this period to our advantage:

Friday – August 2, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

VENUS transits the sign of LEO until August 5 and during this time creates a square aspect with Uranus in the sign of Taurus.

The square brings tensions and challenges, but also opportunities for growth. Be flexible and open to unexpected changes, both in relationships and financial matters.

Uranus can bring the desire to act impulsively. Try to avoid hasty decisions, especially regarding large expenses or radical changes in relationships.

In relationships, communication is essential. Make sure you are open and honest with your partner about your needs and desires. Try to find a balance between the need for freedom and the desire for stability.

Use the innovative energy of Uranus to explore new creative and financial opportunities. Be open to unconventional ideas that can bring long-term benefits.

Venus in Leo encourages you to be authentic and express yourself freely. Don’t be afraid to show your true personality and follow your passions, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

The energy of Taurus can bring a tendency towards possessiveness, and Leo can amplify the desire for attention and recognition. Try to manage these feelings and transform them into mutual trust and respect.

The square can bring stress and tensions. Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as meditation, physical exercise, or creative hobbies.

Saturday – August 3, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn.

Today at 14:09:30 the Moon enters Leo.

MARS transits the sign of GEMINI until September 4, and this is a suitable period for:

Strategic planning: Use this time to plan and implement projects that require energy and determination. Pay attention to details and use your intelligence to navigate challenges.

Self-discipline: With Mars in Gemini, there may be a tendency to be scattered, so practice self-discipline to focus your energy and complete what you have started.

Exploring new ideas: Be open to new ideas and perspectives. Innovation and creative thinking are favored, making it an excellent time for brainstorming and experimentation.

Personal transformation: Think about how you can use this energy to transform your life. Be willing to let go of habits and patterns that no longer serve you.

Effective communication: Use your communication skills to express yourself clearly and collaborate effectively with others. Avoid unnecessary conflicts and seek appropriate solutions.

Sunday – August 4, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun.

Today at 14:13:00 we have a New Moon in Leo:

Take advantage of this energy to set clear and ambitious career goals. Write down what you want to achieve and make a concrete plan to reach these goals.

Don’t hesitate to showcase your skills and talents. Be creative and innovative in your approach to professional projects.

Share your ideas and work with those around you. Attend networking events, presentations, or any other opportunities that allow you to get noticed.

Strengthen relationships with superiors and colleagues. A good relationship with them can bring long-term benefits in your career.

Be prepared to take on new responsibilities and demonstrate your ability to manage important tasks. This is a period where you can earn the respect and admiration of those around you.

The New Moon in Leo transiting the 10th house is a powerful moment to direct your energy towards your career and professional goals. It is an opportunity to shine in your field, express your creativity, and solidify your position in society.

Monday – August 5, 2024 – The Day is Governed by the Moon

VENUS transits through the Virgo zodiac from August 5 to 29, and initially forms a conjunction with retrograde Mercury in Virgo. Here are some tips for this period:

Mercury retrograde may bring delays and frustration. Be patient and understand that sometimes things take longer to clarify.

If possible, avoid making major decisions during this period. Use the time for reflection and preparation, but wait to act until Mercury resumes direct motion on September 9 at 09:50:06.

Use the retrograde energy to review and reorganize important aspects of your life. This is an excellent time for adjustments and improvements.

Tuesday – August 6, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Mars

Today at 00:16:41, the Moon enters Virgo.

JUPITER transits the Gemini zodiac from May 26, 2024, to June 10, 2025. Here is an #astrovlog about the general impact and that on each Ascendant:

Until August 15, Jupiter and Mars in Gemini form an applying square with retrograde Saturn in Pisces:

Balance enthusiasm and realism:

Jupiter and Mars in Gemini bring expansive and impulsive energy, encouraging the exploration of new ideas and initiatives. However, retrograde Saturn in Pisces demands caution and introspection.

Try to temper enthusiasm with a realistic assessment of resources and available time. Make detailed plans and set clear steps to achieve your goals.

Be mindful of communication:

Gemini is a sign associated with communication, and the presence of Jupiter and Mars can amplify the desire to express ideas and engage in heated discussions.

Avoid verbal impulsiveness and ensure your messages are clear and well thought out. Listen actively and don’t rush to respond defensively or aggressively.

Manage tensions and conflicts:

The square indicates potential tensions and conflicts between the desire for action and expansion and the need for limitation and structure.

Seek compromises and be willing to make adjustments. Use stress management techniques, such as meditation or breathing exercises, to stay calm in tense situations.

Prioritize self-control and discipline:

Mars’ impulsive energy may be challenged by Saturn’s imposed limitations.

Focus on establishing disciplined habits and honoring commitments. Practicing self-control and patience will be essential to avoid impulsive mistakes.

Reevaluate long-term goals:

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces invites you to reassess long-term plans and goals, especially those related to spirituality and ideals.

Reflect on your current direction and adjust goals to be more realistic and aligned with your core values. Review plans and eliminate any illusions or unrealistic expectations.

Adopt a flexible approach:

Gemini energy is versatile and adaptable, while retrograde Saturn can bring rigidity.

Be open to change and adaptation. Instead of resisting limitations, try to integrate them creatively into your plans.

Personal growth through introspection:

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces is a favorable time for introspection and self-analysis.

Use this period to explore your deeper motivations and emotions. Spiritual practices, such as meditation and journaling, can be particularly beneficial.

Wednesday – August 7, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Mercury

Today, an applying aspect forms between the Moon in Virgo and Jupiter in Gemini. This aspect can bring a combination of emotional sensitivity and intellectual expansion. Navigating this period requires attention to detail, exploring new ideas and teachings, maintaining an optimistic and open attitude, managing stress and anxiety, effective communication, and balancing emotions and reason. Following these tips will help you make the most of the beneficial influences of this transit.

Thursday – August 8, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Jupiter

Today at 12:31:22, the Moon enters Libra.

SATURN transits the Pisces zodiac until February 13, 2026. Here is a vlog about the general influence, the history of this transit, and its impact on each Ascendant:

Saturn in Pisces has been retrograde since June 29 and will continue until November 16, 2024.

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces is an opportunity to combine practicality with spirituality and restructure your life to reflect your deepest truths. It is a time of intense inner work but also potential profound transformation.

Friday – August 9, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Venus

Today, a conjunction forms between the Moon and the South Node in Libra, opposing the North Node in Aries. This aspect forms monthly as long as the Nodes’ axis is on Aries – Libra. Here are some tips for this transit:

Exploring independence and autonomy:

The conjunction of the Moon with the South Node in Libra can bring to the forefront your tendencies to rely too much on others and to seek harmony at any cost.

Try to be more independent and assert your own desires and needs. Dare to take the initiative and make steps towards your goals, even if it means stepping out of your comfort zone.

Balancing cooperation and assertiveness:

The opposition with the North Node in Aries suggests finding a balance between cooperating with others and being assertive.

Be open to collaboration but don’t hesitate to express your opinions and make firm decisions. Find ways to maintain harmonious relationships without sacrificing individuality.

Reflecting on relationships and dependencies:

The conjunction of the Moon with the South Node can prompt reflection on your relationships and how you depend on others for emotional validation.

Evaluate your relationships and identify where you can be more emotionally independent. Learn to feel complete and valuable without relying on others’ approval.

Accepting and managing conflicts:

The tendency to avoid conflicts can be strong, but the North Node in Aries encourages you to confront issues directly.

Learn to accept conflicts as a normal part of relationships and manage them constructively. Be courageous and open in expressing your needs and desires.

Cultivating self-confidence:

The Moon’s energy in Libra can bring insecurity and the need for approval.

Work on building self-confidence by taking responsibility for your actions and decisions. Be proud of your achievements and don’t hesitate to take credit for them.

Practicing introspection and self-reflection:

The transit can make you feel emotionally vulnerable.

Use this period for introspection and self-reflection. Meditate on how you relate to others and the steps you can take to become more independent and assertive.

Saturday – August 10, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Saturn

The Lunar Nodes have been transiting the Aries – Libra axis for a while and will continue to manifest their influence until January 12, 2025, at 01:01:30. Here is an #astrovlog about the general impact of this transit and its impact on each Ascendant:

Sunday – August 11, 2024 – The Day is Governed by the Sun

Before the Moon moves into the Scorpio zodiac, a square forms between the Moon in Libra and retrograde Pluto in Aquarius.

This aspect brings a period of emotional changes and unconventional revelations. Navigating this period requires openness to change and innovation, finding a balance between freedom and relationships, exploring new ways of expressing emotions, introspection and reevaluation, preparing for sudden revelations, and managing restlessness. Following these tips will help you make the most of the beneficial influences of this transit and evolve on your personal and emotional path. Considering this aspect forms during the night, when we are supposed to be sleeping, it is very likely that you will have certain revelations during sleep or during meditation if you intend to meditate at midnight.

Today at 01:33:44, the Moon enters Scorpio (in fall).

Monday – August 12, 2024 – The Day is Governed by the Moon

Today at 18:18:33, we have the First Quarter with the Moon in Scorpio in the 11th house and the Sun in Leo in the 8th house. These tips can help you navigate through the influences of this transit and make the most of the opportunities it brings:

Be honest with yourself and others. The energy of Scorpio and Leo encourages you to express your authenticity and not be afraid of change.

Try to communicate openly and collaborate effectively with those around you, especially in groups and common projects.

Pay attention to managing shared resources and finances. Be prudent and avoid major financial risks.

Use this period to get to know yourself better and work on necessary personal transformations. Reflect on aspects of your life that need healing and regeneration.

Tuesday – August 13, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Mars

Around midnight, an applying opposition forms between the Moon in Scorpio and Uranus in Taurus. This aspect can bring a moment of intense emotional changes and unexpected revelations. Navigating this period requires accepting and managing emotional changes, openness to innovations, exploring deep emotions, attention to personal relationships, innovations in managing resources, and balancing intensity with stability. Following these tips will help you make the most of the beneficial influences of this transit and evolve emotionally and personally. A genius idea may be born even if it comes through emotional pressure or suffering. It is a creative transit if you know how to use it.

Today at 13:00:35, the Moon enters Sagittarius.

Wednesday – August 14, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Mercury

Today, a trine aspect forms during the night between the Moon in Sagittarius and the North Node in Aries. This aspect can bring a favorable moment for personal growth, exploration, and alignment with destiny. It requires exploring and learning, taking initiative and decisive action, connecting with intuition, maintaining a balance between enthusiasm and action, fostering personal growth and alignment with destiny, and encouraging independence and individuality.

Thursday – August 15, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Jupiter

From August 15 to 21, a T-square aspect forms in transit between Venus in Virgo, retrograde Saturn in Pisces, and Jupiter and Mars in Gemini. Here are some tips for navigating this period:

Managing Relationships and Finances:

Venus in Virgo urges you to pay attention to details in relationships and finances. Be clear and precise in communication and avoid vague promises.

Utilize Virgo’s energy to analyze and perfect aspects of your relationships. Be open to feedback and necessary adjustments.

Reevaluating Structures and Boundaries:

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces invites you to reflect on the boundaries and structures in your life. Reevaluate your responsibilities and see where adjustments are needed.

Pay attention to areas in your life where you feel confusion or uncertainty. Use this period to bring clarity and structure to these areas.

Communication and Action:

Mars in Gemini can bring impulsiveness in communication and actions. Try to think before you speak or act and avoid unnecessary conflicts.

Jupiter in Gemini offers the opportunity for intellectual growth and learning. Explore new ideas and knowledge, but be careful not to spread yourself too thin in too many directions.

Balancing Tension:

With Saturn in play, it’s essential to practice patience. Understand that some things take time to resolve and not all solutions will appear immediately.

The energy of Gemini encourages flexibility and openness to change. Be willing to adapt to new circumstances and find creative solutions to emerging problems.

Balancing Practical and Intuitive Energies:

Retrograde Saturn in Pisces encourages integrating spirituality and intuition into your daily life. Find a balance between Virgo’s practicality and Pisces’ dreaminess.

Use self-discipline to manage your time and resources effectively. Don’t forget to take care of yourself, both physically and emotionally.

Today at 20:51:09, the Moon enters Capricorn (in exile).

Friday – August 16, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Venus

From August 16 to 19, a square aspect forms between retrograde Mercury in Leo and Uranus in Taurus, bringing a period of tension and challenges in communication and adaptation to changes. Navigating this period requires attention to errors and misunderstandings, managing unexpected changes, reviewing and correcting plans, handling frustrations and stress, reevaluating values and resources, and adopting an innovative perspective. By following these tips, you can handle challenges and turn difficulties into opportunities for personal growth.

Saturday – August 17, 2024 – The Day is Governed by Saturn

NEPTUNE transits the Pisces zodiac until March 30, 2025, at 13:59.

Neptune is not considered a personal planet and impacts personal lives only if it forms a conjunction with personal planets in the natal chart. Its impact is more significant on a social, mundane level, affecting the masses. Where do you have Neptune in your natal chart?

Neptune in Pisces will be retrograde until December 7, having a significant influence on individuals and the collective, affecting various aspects of life. Its retrograde transit can bring both deep introspection and confusion. Here are some key aspects of how this transit functions:

Introspection and Self-Reflection:

Retrograde Neptune offers the opportunity to look inward, connect with intuition and the subconscious. This is a favorable period for meditation, dream exploration, and analyzing deep desires and fears.

Revealing Illusions and Deception:

Retrograde Neptune can bring illusions and deceptions to the surface. Something that seemed clear and evident in the past may be revisited and reconsidered, offering a new perspective. This can lead to initial disappointments but ultimately helps to better understand reality.

Confusion and Uncertainty:

During retrograde, perception and mental clarity may be affected. Feelings of confusion and uncertainty can arise, and decisions may become harder to make. It is important to pay attention to details and avoid making major decisions during this transit.

Creativity and Spirituality:

Neptune governs creativity and spirituality. Retrograde can intensify these aspects, favoring artistic and spiritual activities. It can be a good time to reconnect with your creative side and seek inspiration in art, music, or literature.

Clarifying Relationships:

This transit can bring clarity to relationships, revealing hidden or unresolved aspects. You may see certain people or situations in a new light, leading to adjustments in relationship dynamics.

Emotional Healing:

Retrograde Neptune in Pisces can be a period of emotional healing. It allows for processing deep emotions and releasing past emotional baggage. Therapy, meditation, and other forms of self-care can be particularly beneficial during this period.

In short, the retrograde Neptune transit in Pisces invites us to connect more deeply with our inner selves, clarify our vision of the world, and work on personal healing and transformation. However, it is essential to navigate carefully through the confusion and uncertainty that may arise, remaining open to introspection and self-discovery.

Sunday – August 18, 2024 – The Day is Governed by the Sun

Today at 00:44:34, the Moon enters Aquarius.

PLUTO re-entered AQUARIUS on January 21, 2024, bringing major changes to our collective consciousness for a 20-year transit.

Here are the stages of this transit:

January 21, 2024, at 02:56:08: Pluto re-entered Aquarius

September 1, 2024: Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn

November 18, 2024: Pluto definitively enters Aquarius

March 8, 2043: Pluto enters Pisces

August 31, 2043: Pluto retrogrades back into Aquarius

January 18, 2044: Pluto definitively enters Pisces

In this #astrovlog, you can find the general impact as well as the specific impact for each Ascendant:

Monday – August 19, 2024 – The Day is Governed by the Moon

Today at 21:25:29, we have a Full Moon in Aquarius.

Here are some useful tips for this moment:

Balance Individual Needs and Social Responsibilities:

The Full Moon challenges you to find a balance between your individual needs and social responsibilities. Ensure you express your authenticity and creativity while fulfilling your role in the community.

Expand Social Networks and Collaborate:

Use this period to expand your social network and collaborate with people who share your visions and values. You can find support and inspiration in the groups you are part of.

Culmination and Release:

The Full Moon is a time of culmination and release. Reflect on what you need to let go of in your life to make room for new opportunities and growth.

Engage in Creative Activities:

Allow yourself to explore and enjoy creative activities. Whether it’s art, music, writing, or any other form of expression, use the Leo energy to express yourself freely and passionately.

Review Long-Term Goals:

Review your long-term goals and ensure they are aligned with your current values and aspirations. Be open to adjustments and new directions.

Marți – 20 august 2024 – Ziua este stăpânită de Marte

Azi la ora 01:51:31 Luna intră în Pești.

Today at 01:51:31, the Moon enters Pisces.

In Hellenistic astrology, the MOON played a central and complex role, influencing multiple aspects of life and human personality:

The Moon was associated with emotions, instincts, and the subconscious nature. It was considered the primary source of feelings and instinctual reactions, influencing how and when a person expresses emotions and satisfies their needs.

Hellenistic astrologers analyzed the Moon based on the zodiac sign it was in. For example, the Moon in Aries was associated with impulsiveness and energy, while the Moon in Pisces was linked to sensitivity and deep intuition.

Influence on Personality: The Moon in different signs brought specific personality traits and distinct ways of experiencing emotions. Each zodiac sign influenced how the Moon manifested its effects on the individual.

Favorable and Unfavorable Aspects: The aspects of the Moon with other planets (such as trine, sextile, square, and opposition) were important in determining its effects on the individual’s life. Favorable aspects brought harmony and support, while difficult aspects brought challenges and conflicts.

The Moon was seen as a reflector of the influences of other planets, amplifying and reflecting their energies in the individual’s personal life.

Phases of the Moon: Hellenistic astrologers considered the phases of the Moon – New, Full, Waxing, and Waning – as having significant impacts on events and activities. For example, the New Moon was associated with beginnings and intentions, while the Full Moon was linked to culminations and achievements.

The Moon influenced natural and cyclical rhythms, including fertility, growth, and decline. These cycles were seen as having profound effects on human life and nature.

The Moon was considered an important factor in destiny and personal life. In Hellenistic astrology, the position and aspects of the Moon could reveal information about the individual’s life trajectory, potential, and challenges.

The Moon was used to evaluate aspects related to health and prosperity. Hellenistic astrologers believed that the position of the Moon influenced the quality of life and overall health.

In horary astrology, the Moon was important for evaluating the current state and answering questions related to current events. The position and aspects of the Moon were analyzed to better understand the unfolding of events.

In electional astrology, the Moon was considered when selecting favorable moments for initiating actions and projects, given that the phases and aspects of the Moon influenced the success of undertakings.

The Moon was associated with symbols of femininity, fertility, and the subconscious. It was seen as a force connecting the individual to deeper aspects of the self and natural cycles.

Hellenistic astrologers interpreted the influence of the Moon in the context of the entire natal chart, considering how it interacted with other planets and how it reflected personal and social aspects of the individual’s life.

Wednesday – August 21, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

In Hellenistic astrology, the square aspect, known as the “tetragon” (from the Greek “tetragonos,” meaning “four-angled”), is seen similarly to modern interpretations but with some distinct nuances rooted in ancient philosophy and cosmology. Here are some key points about how squares are viewed in Hellenistic astrology:

Nature of the Aspect: The square is considered a challenging or “hard” aspect, indicating tension, conflict, and difficulty. This aspect is inherently associated with struggle and strife, pushing individuals to confront and work through obstacles.

Malefic Associations: In Hellenistic astrology, squares are often linked with malefic planets (Mars and Saturn), which are naturally associated with hardship and adversity. The square aspect is seen as amplifying the challenging qualities of these planets if they are involved in the square.

Angular Houses: The houses involved in a square aspect are angular to each other, meaning they are separated by 90 degrees. This angular relationship is significant because angular houses are considered powerful and influential areas in a natal chart.

Geometrical Significance: The geometric relationship of the square, forming a 90-degree angle, symbolizes a kind of blockage or obstruction. This symbolism is rooted in the idea that planets in a square are at odds, unable to see each other directly (unlike the opposition aspect, where planets are directly opposite each other).

Elemental Dissonance: In Hellenistic astrology, the dissonance between the elements of the signs involved in a square aspect is crucial. For instance, Fire and Water or Earth and Air do not blend easily, highlighting the inherent conflict and need for resolution.

Growth Through Conflict: Although the square aspect is challenging, it is also seen as an opportunity for growth and development. The tension created by the square can lead to significant achievements and personal evolution if the individual can rise to the challenge.

Role of Sect: The interpretation of a square aspect can be influenced by the concept of sect (whether a chart is diurnal or nocturnal). For example, a square involving a planet that is of the sect in favor (such as the Sun in a day chart) might be slightly less challenging than one involving a planet that is of the sect out of favor.

Context of the Entire Chart: Hellenistic astrologers emphasized the importance of considering the entire natal chart, including the condition of the planets involved (their dignity, retrogradation, etc.), the houses they occupy, and their overall relationship with other planets and points in the chart.

In summary, in Hellenistic astrology, the square aspect is viewed as a significant source of tension and conflict, reflecting challenges that can lead to growth and achievement. The ancient astrologers’ focus on geometric relationships, elemental dissonance, and the broader context of the natal chart provides a comprehensive understanding of how squares influence individuals’ lives.

Thursday – August 22, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter

Today at 02:01:34, the Moon enters Aries.

Today at 17:55:01, the SUN enters the sign of VIRGO. Happy birthday to all Virgo natives! Here is the profile of the VIRGO native in this #astrovlog:

Friday – August 23, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

Between August 23 and 27, a trine aspect forms between Venus in Virgo and Uranus in Taurus, presenting certain opportunities:

Openness to New Experiences in Relationships

Be open to experimenting with new ways of connecting with others. This could involve unconventional relationships or bringing changes to the dynamics of existing relationships.

Use this period to communicate openly and honestly with your partner about your desires and needs. Uranus in Pisces can facilitate deep and intuitive conversations.

Innovation in Finances and Personal Values

Uranus can bring unexpected opportunities in the financial domain. Be open to exploring new ways of investing or managing money.

Reflect on your personal values and how they align with your actions. Uranus encourages you to redefine your values in a way that reflects your authenticity and originality.

Creativity and Personal Expression

Use the energy of this trine to explore new artistic or creative projects. Be open to experimenting and bringing innovation to your work.

Uranus in Pisces can bring inspiration through intuition and dreams. Pay attention to these sources of inspiration and incorporate them into your creative expression.

Improvement of Routine and Health

Venus in Virgo encourages you to pay attention to your health. Uranus can inspire you to try new health or self-care practices.

Be open to making adjustments in your daily routine to incorporate new healthy and productive habits.

Transformation and Release of Old Patterns

This trine can be an opportune moment to release relationships or situations that are no longer beneficial for you. Uranus in Pisces supports you in making these changes in an intuitive and natural way.

Embrace the changes coming into your life. Uranus brings innovation and change, and this harmonious aspect with Venus suggests that these changes will be beneficial in the long term.

Saturday – August 24, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn

Today at 03:00:16, the Moon enters Taurus (in exaltation).

In Hellenistic astrology, the trine aspect, known as the “trigon” (from the Greek “trigonon,” meaning “triangle”), is considered one of the most harmonious and beneficial aspects. Here are some key points about how trines are viewed in Hellenistic astrology:

Nature of the Aspect: The trine is a major aspect formed when two planets are approximately 120 degrees apart. It is considered a “soft” or “easy” aspect, indicating harmony, ease, and support between the planets involved.

Benefic Associations: Trines are often linked with the benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus, which naturally symbolize growth, luck, love, and beauty. This aspect is seen as bringing positive influences and facilitating beneficial outcomes.

Elemental Harmony: In Hellenistic astrology, the trine aspect involves planets that are in signs of the same element (Fire, Earth, Air, or Water). This elemental affinity contributes to the harmonious nature of the trine, as the planets’ energies blend smoothly and support each other.

Geometrical Significance: The trine aspect forms an equilateral triangle within the zodiac wheel, symbolizing balance, harmony, and stability. This geometric relationship is seen as creating a natural flow of energy between the planets involved.

Ease and Opportunity: Trines are associated with ease, indicating areas of life where things tend to happen smoothly and without much effort. They signify natural talents, effortless connections, and opportunities that arise organically.

Growth and Expansion: Because of the harmonious nature of trines, they are often seen as aspects that facilitate growth and expansion. The planets involved in a trine support each other’s functions, leading to constructive and positive developments.

Role of Sect: In Hellenistic astrology, the concept of sect (whether a chart is diurnal or nocturnal) can influence the interpretation of a trine aspect. A trine involving a planet that is of the sect in favor (such as Jupiter in a day chart) might be even more beneficial than usual.

Context of the Entire Chart: The overall interpretation of a trine aspect depends on the entire natal chart, including the condition of the planets involved (their dignity, retrogradation, etc.), the houses they occupy, and their broader relationships with other chart points.

In summary, in Hellenistic astrology, the trine aspect is seen as a highly positive and beneficial connection between planets, indicating harmony, ease, and support. It represents areas in life where natural talents and opportunities arise, contributing to growth and positive outcomes. The ancient emphasis on geometric relationships, elemental harmony, and the broader context of the natal chart provides a rich and nuanced understanding of how trines influence individuals’ lives.

Sunday – August 25, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun

Between August 25 and 28, an opposition forms between Venus in Virgo and retrograde Neptune in Pisces, bringing a period of reevaluation of relationships and personal values, with a focus on clarifying ideals and managing confusion. Navigating this period requires:

Clarifying expectations

Managing illusions

Paying attention to emotional and spiritual needs

Avoiding escapism

Reevaluating relationships and values

Communicating openly

Monday – August 26, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

Today at 06:03:53, the Moon enters Gemini.

Today at 12:25:32, we have the Last Quarter in Gemini. Here are some useful tips for this moment:

Use Gemini’s energy to communicate openly and clearly about sensitive topics in the 8th house. Don’t hesitate to address difficult but necessary discussions related to finances, intimacy, and shared resources.

Stay flexible and open to changes. Adaptability is essential for dealing with transformations during this period.

Use Virgo’s energy to organize and plan your social activities. Set clear goals and plan the steps needed to achieve them.

Get actively involved in the community and look for ways to contribute to the group’s well-being. Be willing to offer help and support to those around you.

Reflect on old thought and behavior patterns that no longer serve you and use this period to release them. Gemini and the 8th house offer the opportunity to transform and regenerate old aspects of your life.

Tuesday – August 27, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars

Between August 27 and September 4, MARS in GEMINI forms an applying square aspect with retrograde NEPTUNE in PISCES:

Pay attention to details and clarity:

Neptune can bring confusion and lack of clarity, while Mars can drive impulsive actions.

Check facts and make sure you fully understand situations before acting. Avoid making important decisions based on incomplete or confusing information.

Avoid impulsive decisions:

Mars’s impulsive energy can be disorganized by Neptune’s illusory influences.

Take time to reflect and think before making important decisions. Step back and reexamine plans to ensure they are realistic and well-founded.

Use creative energy:

The conjunction can stimulate creativity and inspiration.

Channel this energy into artistic, musical, or any other form of creative expression. Meditation, visualization, and other spiritual practices can be particularly productive during this period.

Be aware of illusions and self-deception:

Neptune can induce illusions and deceptions, both from others and self-deception.

Be skeptical of promises that seem too good to be true. Be aware of the tendency to idealize situations or people. Seek to see reality clearly and objectively.

Spiritual practices and introspection:

Retrograde Neptune favors introspection and connection with the spiritual side.

Dedicate time to spiritual practices, meditation, and reflection on your dreams and ideals. These activities can help you find clarity and direction amidst confusion.

Maintain a balance between action and contemplation:

You may oscillate between the desire to act and the need to retreat into the inner world.

Try to find a healthy balance between dynamic activities and moments of quiet and introspection. Allow yourself to be productive, but don’t force things when you feel the need for rest and reflection.

Wednesday – August 28, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

Today at 11:47:26, the Moon enters Cancer (its domicile).

MERCURY rules the sign of VIRGO, so watch the vlogs at this link to better understand how this planet functions in astrology:

Thursday – August 29, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter

VENUS transits the sign of LIBRA between August 29 and September 23:

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, harmony, and aesthetic values. When it transits through Libra, the sign it governs, these qualities are amplified. The focus is on:

A strong emphasis on harmony and cooperation in relationships. This is a favorable period for resolving conflicts and strengthening bonds.

There may be an increased interest in art, fashion, and beauty. People might pay more attention to their appearance and how they present themselves.

Enhanced ability to mediate conflicts and find fair solutions for all parties involved.

Today I am talking about how #Virgo natives behaves in love relationships:

Friday – August 30, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

Today at 20:09:18, the Moon enters Leo.

In this #astrovlog​​ I am talking about body and health of #Virgo zodiac sign:

Saturday – August 31, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn

Between August 31 and September 4, Venus in Libra forms a conjunction with the South Node in Libra and an opposition with the North Node in Aries:

This transit can bring a period of introspection and reevaluation of relationships and personal values. It is a suitable time for healing past emotional wounds, finding a balance between personal needs and those of partners, and learning to express individuality in a harmonious way. Decisions made during this period can have a long-term impact, considering the karmic implications of the South Node and the evolutionary direction indicated by the North Node.

In this #astrovlog I am talking about how Gemini natives communicate:

I wish you all a lovely Summer!

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Monica Lazar
