From my own experience and discussions with foreign astrologers, it has emerged that, when learning astrology, it is preferable to consider certain aspects:

Start by going directly to the source of the information and read the most important authors in the field, preferably in the original language of the author. I believe in studying astrology with pen in hand, dedicating many hours to research and individual study.

Be persistent in your studies and don’t lose hope, even if at first, you feel like you don’t understand anything, even after reading many pages about the characteristics of signs, houses, and planets. Practical exercises make the difference, and discussions with astrologers who have gone through the same experience for many years are invaluable.

Since the natal charts of family members and friends are limited in number, you have an inexhaustible source of celebrity charts from various countries here:

This is the best database I have encountered online so far.

Don’t overcomplicate your interpretations, and don’t get lost in endless details. Learn simple techniques that have proven to be very effective.

If you don’t have access to astrology software at first, I recommend Access is free and it’s easy to use.

Don’t try to reinvent the wheel and don’t seek out sensational titles or astrologers who tell you what you want to hear.

I recommend Chris Brennan, Benjamin Dykes, Robert Hand, and Maurice Charvet.

Here’s the list I’ve gone through over time:

Carmen Astrologicum by Dorotheus of Sidon (Hellenistic astrologer)

Find the English translation here:

Tetrabiblos by Claudius Ptolemy (astronomer and mathematician)

English translation:

Anthologies by Vettius Valens (Hellenistic astrologer)

English version here:

Or here, translated by Robert Schmidt (the best access is through an annual online subscription to this site, which also provides access to many other books):

Introduction to Astrology by Paulus Alexandrinus (Paul of Alexandria)

Find it in English here:

Astronomica by Marcus Manilius (Latin astrologer and poet)


Porphyry of Tyre (philosopher and astrologer)

The best English translation here:

Or here:

Rhetorius the Egyptian (Hellenistic astrologer)

English translation by James Holden:

Mathesis by Firmicus Maternus (writer and astrologer)

English translation:

Joseph Crane (teacher and Hellenistic astrologer)

Astrological Roots: The Hellenistic Legacy can be found here:

A Practical Guide to Traditional Astrology can be found here:

Traditional Astrology for Today: An Introduction by Benjamin Dykes

Benjamin Dykes has translated many astrology and philosophy books from Arabic and Persian. It is well known that the Arabs translated many ancient Hellenistic astrology texts. You can find his English translations here:

A History of Horoscopic Astrology by James Holden

Find the book here:

Vivian Robson (librarian and astrologer)

Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology by Vivian Robson:

For any other questions you know where to find me.
