Tuesday, October 1, 2024 – Day ruled by Mars
The day is full of energy and potential, giving you the opportunity to act from a deeply emotional place (Mars in Cancer) in a responsible and structured manner (Saturn in Pisces). With the Moon in Virgo ruling the Ascendant, there’s also a practical and detail-oriented tone, making this day excellent for carefully and clearly implementing your plans.
Mars conjunct the Ascendant in Cancer can bring a tendency toward strong emotional reactions, especially in situations that threaten your sense of security. Be careful not to be overly defensive or impulsive in your interactions with loved ones.
The trine aspects are positive, but retrograde Saturn may bring some delays or reevaluations of your plans, especially if they involve travel or legal matters. It’s important to stay patient and flexible when facing obstacles.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024 – Day ruled by Mercury
Today, at 01:19:35, the Moon enters Libra, and at 21:49:14, we have a New Moon in Libra and an Annular Solar Eclipse. Here is an #astrovlog about this eclipse: https://youtu.be/MLKIllnilqg?si=cZFjhs6J9iOU_w_6
Considering today’s configuration of the Star of David in the transit chart, even though the aspects are separating, this pattern suggests you have the ability to integrate different parts of your life and bring harmony between your emotional, relational, and structural aspects. This is a favorable moment for making subtle adjustments, reflecting on responsibilities, and finding balance between personal and external needs.

Thursday, October 3, 2024 – Day ruled by Jupiter
It is a day marked by tensions and conflicts in relationships or communication, but these challenges will also offer opportunities for resolution and transformation. The harmonious trine can be used to bring stability and clarity in managing conflicts, and Venus in Scorpio can help transform difficulties into opportunities for personal and emotional growth. Any form of toxicity must be eliminated to make room for transformation.

Friday, October 4, 2024 – Day ruled by Venus
Today at 14:22:18, the Moon enters Scorpio (in fall).
Venus is transiting Scorpio until October 17, marking a period of deep transformation in relationships and emotional life. While it may bring challenges and confrontations with deep emotions, it also offers the opportunity to create more authentic relationships and heal emotional wounds. This is an ideal time to explore the deeper aspects of love, intimacy, and personal values.

Saturday, October 5, 2024 – Day ruled by Saturn
Today and tomorrow are marked by intense emotions and the need for balance. Mars in Cancer trine Venus in Scorpio suggests harmony between emotional desires and decisive actions, favoring deep relationships. The Moon conjunct Venus in Scorpio intensifies sensitivity and the desire for authentic intimacy. With Mars in Cancer square the Sun and Mercury in Libra, there is tension between emotional impulses and the need for rationality and compromise. However, Jupiter in Gemini trine Mercury in Libra favors harmonious communication and collaboration, offering opportunities for intellectual expansion and balanced solutions in relationships.

Sunday, October 6, 2024 – Day ruled by the Sun
Mercury is transiting Libra until October 13:
Following these practical tips will help you navigate this period of reflection and self-discovery:

Keep a journal to note your thoughts, dreams, and reflections. This will help you connect with your deep emotions and identify issues that need attention.

Meditation or mindfulness practices can be extremely beneficial now.

As communication may become more sensitive, avoid tense discussions or direct confrontations. Focus on listening actively and understanding others’ perspectives.

Engage in creative or artistic activities as a channel to express your deeper thoughts and emotions.

Pay attention to your mental and emotional hygiene, removing negative ideas and attitudes that weigh you down.

Monday, October 7, 2024 – Day ruled by the Moon
Today at 02:34:09, the Moon enters Sagittarius.
Saturn is transiting Pisces until February 13, 2026.
This retrograde period is an opportunity to blend spiritual disciplines with practical work and establish a daily routine that supports personal and spiritual growth. When this retrograde ends, you will be able to apply the lessons learned concretely, consolidating your position in the spiritual and emotional sphere.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024 – Day ruled by Mars
From October 8, 2024, to February 5, 2025, Jupiter in Gemini goes through a retrograde cycle with the following stages:

Jupiter stations retrograde on October 8 at 10:04:38.

Jupiter begins retrograde motion on October 10 at 10:04:38.

Jupiter stations direct on February 3, 2025, at 11:40:21.

Jupiter resumes direct motion on February 5, 2025, at 11:40:21.
The retrograde transit of Jupiter in Gemini is a good time to review and rethink how we learn, communicate, and use our knowledge.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024 – Day ruled by Mercury
Today at 12:38:16, the Moon enters Capricorn (in exile).
The Lunar Nodes are currently transiting the Aries-Libra axis, influencing until January 12, 2025. In this #astrovlog I am talking about Lunar Node transit on the Aries – Libra axis ingress on 17 July 2023 and manifests its influence until 12 January 2025


Thursday, October 10, 2024 – Day ruled by Jupiter
At 21:55:00 today, we have the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn:
The Moon in Capricorn square the Sun in Libra and opposition Mars in Cancer forms a T-square, indicating conflicts between emotional needs (the Moon), impulsive actions (Mars), and identity or will (the Sun). The solution lies in finding balance, with the Sun in Libra suggesting that harmony and compromise in relationships are essential.

Friday, October 11, 2024 – Day ruled by Venus
Today at 19:31:06, the Moon enters Aquarius.
Mars is transiting Cancer until November 4.

In this #astrovlog I am talking about the long retrograde cycle of Mars transit in Leo and Cancer, between 4th of September 2024 and 17 June 2025: https://youtu.be/pGMPjDdu-ds?si=ewFwkjarhg8VBWtp

Here you have each step of this cycle using local Romanian time:

Mars ingress in Cancer on 4th September 2024 at 23:46:12

Mars ingress in Leo on 4th November 2024 at 06:09:43

Mars in retrograde station in Leo on 6th December 2024 at 01:33:09

Mars in retrograde motion in Leo on 8th December 2024 at 01:33:09

Mars in retrograde motion in Cancer on 6th January 2025 at 12:44:04

Mars in direct station in Cancer on 23rd February 2025 at 03:59:45

Mars in direct motion in Cancer on 25th February 2025 at 03:59:45

Mars in direct motion in Leo on 18th April 2025 at 07:20:47

Mars ingress in Virgo on 17th June 2025 at 11:35:29

Saturday, October 12, 2024 – Day ruled by Saturn
Today we have tensions in relationships and values through the Venus-Uranus opposition, along with an opportunity for healing and deep emotional connection through the Grand Water Trine. This is a time for inner transformation and reevaluation of needs in relationships.

Sunday, October 13, 2024 – Day ruled by the Sun
Today at 22:55:07, the Moon enters Pisces.
Mercury is transiting Scorpio from October 13 to November 2: Direct communication and issues related to power, secrets, and regeneration will take center stage.

Monday – October 14, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

NEPTUNE transits the sign of PISCES until March 30, 2025, at 1:59 PM: First of all, Neptune is not classified as a personal planet and only has a personal impact if it forms a conjunction aspect with personal planets in the natal chart. This planet’s influence is more significant on a social, mundane level, affecting the masses.

Where is Neptune in your natal chart?

Neptune in Pisces is retrograde until December 7.

With Neptune retrograde in Pisces, we may go through a process of introspection and healing. This is a time when we are invited to clarify our perceptions, release illusions, and adopt a more authentic approach to our lives.

It is important to be open to introspection and allow yourself to see reality as it is, without hiding behind fantasies or self-deception. The process may be painful, but it brings deep release and a reconnection with your inner truth.

As this transit continues, you may experience profound emotional healing and a transformation in how you view your place in the world, your relationships, and your spirituality.

Neptune retrograde in Pisces is a period of revelation and purification, guiding you toward a deeper awareness of your spiritual and emotional truth. This is an opportunity to free yourself from confusions that have prevented you from seeing reality and to redefine your ideals and aspirations in a more authentic way.

Tuesday – October 15, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars

Today, at 11:34:08 PM, the Moon enters Aries.

We have an intense and transformative day. The Sun in Libra forms squares with Mars in Cancer and Pluto in Capricorn, generating conflicts between will and emotions (Sun-Mars) and challenges related to power and control in the professional sphere (Sun-Pluto). These aspects suggest internal and external tensions, especially in personal relationships and in managing authority.

At the same time, the Moon conjunct the North Node in Aries and opposing the South Node in Libra brings opportunities for new beginnings and personal growth. This conjunction suggests a fresh and innovative direction, but the opposition with the South Node indicates the need to let go of old patterns and past lessons. Overall, the day is conducive to deep changes and reevaluations in both personal and professional life.

Wednesday – October 16, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

Today’s transits bring a complex combination of energies. The Water Grand Trine formed by retrograde Neptune in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, and Venus in Scorpio facilitates a deep connection with emotions and intuition. This configuration supports the exploration of creativity and the improvement of relationships through emotional understanding, thanks to the harmonious influence of the three planets.

At the same time, the Rectangle formed by retrograde Uranus in Taurus, Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, and Pluto in Capricorn suggests a balance between planetary energies and can bring innovative solutions to difficult problems. This configuration allows adaptation to unexpected changes and the discovery of creative solutions for issues related to values and power structures.

Additionally, Mars in Cancer in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn generates tensions related to power and control, with conflicts between emotional actions and deep transformations in authority structures. This opposition can bring intense conflicts, but also the opportunity to confront and transform deep aspects of your life. It is essential to manage conflicts carefully and seek constructive solutions.

Thursday – October 17, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter

Today at 14:26:18, we have a Full Moon in Aries:

The Full Moon with the Moon in Aries in the 4th house brings emotional illumination regarding family matters and domestic security, while the Sun in Libra in the 10th house highlights career and public image. This opposition suggests a conflict between personal needs and professional demands, calling for balance between home life and career.

Mars in Cancer in the 7th house, in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn, amplifies tensions and power struggles in partnership relationships. This opposition can bring significant challenges in interactions with others, potentially requiring a reevaluation of power dynamics. The Ascendant in Capricorn emphasizes the need for a serious and practical approach, indicating that changes and conflicts will require strategic adjustments in both personal and professional relationships.

Also today, at 22:59:41, the Moon enters Taurus (in exaltation).

VENUS transits Sagittarius from October 17 to November 11: During this period, the focus will be on relationships based on freedom, trust, and sincerity. Venus in Sagittarius brings a desire to explore the world and find beauty in diversity. There is a tendency to experience new pleasures and adopt a more optimistic and relaxed approach to love. This is a great time to travel with your partner or meet new and interesting people in different cultural settings.

Financially, this transit may bring opportunities for expansion or chances related to international business, education, or large-scale projects.

Friday – October 18, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

Today, Mercury in Scorpio in opposition to the Moon in Taurus can generate conflicts in communication, with tensions between deep thinking and the need for emotional security. Mars in Cancer in opposition to Pluto in Capricorn amplifies conflicts related to power and control, especially in family or professional contexts, requiring confrontation and deep transformation of authority structures. The Sun in Libra square Saturn in Capricorn brings tensions between the desire for harmony in relationships and strict responsibilities, causing obstacles in achieving social and professional goals. The Moon in Taurus square Mars in Cancer suggests conflicts between the need for emotional stability and protective impulses, affecting personal relationships and home life.

The day calls for balance and adaptability in the face of these tensions.

Saturday – October 19, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn

Today at 23:07:03, the Moon enters Gemini.

The day brings challenges in relationships and power management, but also opportunities for reflection and integration of past lessons. Oppositions and squares suggest tensions between emotional needs and personal desires, while the trine promotes stability and integration of learned lessons. It’s important to find balance between communication, exploration, and responsibilities, addressing conflicts carefully and using past lessons to navigate current challenges.

Sunday – October 20, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun

The day offers opportunities for expansion and personal reflection due to the trine between the Sun and retrograde Jupiter, favoring exploration and personal growth. However, the square between the Sun and Pluto can create tensions and conflicts related to power and control, demanding significant transformations. It is essential to use the positive energy of the trine to face the challenges brought by the square, approaching changes with courage and openness.

Monday – October 21, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

Today, the conjunction between the Moon and retrograde Jupiter offers opportunities for deep introspection and reflection on past lessons, while the trine between Mercury and retrograde Saturn favors the consolidation of knowledge and the application of lessons in a structured way. This is a favorable day for clarifying emotions, long-term planning, and integrating knowledge in a constructive manner.

Tuesday – October 22, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars

Today at 01:49:39, the Moon enters Cancer (in domicile).

Today’s aspects bring both emotional challenges and opportunities for transformation. The Moon square the Lunar Nodes suggests an emotional crisis or a moment of choice between the past and the future, necessitating a change in direction. Mars in Cancer forms a sextile with retrograde Uranus in Taurus, favoring unexpected and positive changes, especially in the family or material sphere. Mars trine retrograde Neptune in Pisces brings inspiration and actions based on spiritual ideals, making it a good time for creative and charitable activities. However, Mars opposition Pluto in Capricorn creates intense tensions related to power and control, especially in family or professional life. Careful conflict management and transforming tensions into constructive opportunities are essential today.

Wednesday – October 23, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

Today, the Sun enters Scorpio at 01:14:42. Happy birthday to all Scorpios! Here’s the Scorpio native profile in this #astrovlog: https://youtu.be/inyey_Aa20c?si=xxzlA5nTjU0K9FCj

Thursday – October 24, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter
Today at 08:23:57, the Moon enters Leo, and at 11:03:00 we have the Last Quarter Moon in Leo, which may bring tensions between emotions and inner transformation. The Moon in Leo squaring the Sun in Scorpio creates conflicts between the desire for recognition and the need for introspection. At the same time, Mars in Cancer squaring Pluto in Capricorn amplifies power and control struggles, especially in family and professional spheres. This is a day suitable for reevaluation and adjustment, requiring balance and maturity in managing tensions.

Friday – October 25, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus
Today’s astrological aspects reflect a mix of harmony and tension. Venus in Sagittarius trine Moon in Leo brings an open and creative energy, encouraging honest emotional expression and the enjoyment of connecting with others in an adventurous and optimistic way. This is a good day for fun, artistic expression, and socializing. However, Venus squaring retrograde Saturn in Pisces brings restrictions and challenges in relationships, forcing you to find a balance between the desire for freedom and emotional or material responsibilities. Meanwhile, the Moon in Leo squaring Mercury in Scorpio creates tensions in communication, generating conflicts between dramatic emotional expression and the tendency to hide or investigate deeper truths. The day calls for balance between emotional enthusiasm and the need for maturity and stability in relationships.

Saturday – October 26, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn
Today’s astrological aspects bring a combination of tensions and transformation opportunities. Venus square Saturn indicates challenges in relationships, Moon square Uranus brings emotional instability, and Mars opposing Pluto creates intense power struggles. However, Mars trine Neptune offers a healing and intuitive influence, allowing you to navigate these challenges with empathy and inspiration.
At 18:47:20, the Moon enters Virgo.
Traditionally, Mars rules the sign of Scorpio, so check out the vlogs at this link to better understand how this planet functions in astrology: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSkKZtihCQIaymE-1bhUfIQ8wPnNW8JfC&si=5n2cMvI7jK81Cnoz

Sunday – October 27, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun
Today there is a combination of beneficial and challenging influences. The sextile between the Sun in Scorpio and the Moon in Virgo brings emotional clarity and balance in actions. The trine between Mars and Neptune facilitates spiritual inspiration and empathetic-intuitive actions, while Venus squaring Saturn tests relationships and responsibility management, requiring maturity and patience when facing obstacles.
Pluto is the modern ruler of the sign of Scorpio.

Monday – October 28, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon
Today, astrological transits bring a mix of tensions and harmony. The Moon in Virgo squares retrograde Jupiter in Gemini, generating conflicts between detailed emotional analysis and the desire for mental expansion. This aspect may bring pressure and criticism in emotional expression. Mercury in Scorpio opposing retrograde Uranus in Taurus indicates challenges in communication and thinking, with radical ideas and unexpected changes that can disrupt plans. At the same time, the royal trine between Mars in Cancer, Venus in Scorpio, and retrograde Neptune in Pisces brings harmony and opportunities for emotional healing. This configuration favors creativity, intuition, and deep connections, offering positive support to manage tensions and promote emotional transformation.

Tuesday – October 29, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars
At 06:29:37, the Moon enters Libra.
Today’s astrological aspects bring a combination of tensions and opportunities. The Mars-Pluto opposition indicates power struggles and deep transformation, the Saturn-Sun trine favors constructive progress and responsibility integration, and the Mercury-Uranus opposition may generate surprises and communication conflicts. The day requires balance between managing emotional intensity and adapting to unexpected changes, offering opportunities for clarification and personal development.

Wednesday – October 30, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury
Today, astrological aspects offer a combination of tensions and opportunities. The Mars-Pluto opposition suggests power struggles and intense emotions, the Mercury-Uranus opposition brings surprises and unexpected revelations in communication, while the Mercury-Neptune and Mercury-Mars trines favor intuitive understanding and actions based on deep thinking. The day is one of transformation and clarification, with opportunities to resolve conflicts and explore new ideas.

Thursday – October 31, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter
Today, the opposition between retrograde Jupiter in Gemini and Venus in Sagittarius brings tension between the desire for expansion and personal ideals in relationships and values. This is a favorable time to reevaluate beliefs and expectations in love and finances, offering opportunities to adjust visions and align desires with personal reality.
At 19:29:17, the Moon enters Scorpio (in fall)


I wish you all a lovely Autumn!


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Monica Lazar

