On AUGUST 23, the SUN ingress in VIRGO: Happy Birthday for all natives!

Here you have an #astrovlog about VIRGO natives features: https://youtu.be/9DDlgf7pdjk   

MOON PHASES THIS MONTH (Romanian Local Time):


It may be a new beginning in activities related to your own philosophy of life, with a field of study that you want to deepen, to an action through which you do justice in court but it can also be about the desire to go on an important trip or even move abroad. An online business launch that also has international visibility is not excluded. Anyway, it’s an area of ​​life where you need to be visible, to stand out with something,

Once you have learned to see things in all aspects, your intuitive and captivating nature will flourish.


22 AUGUST AT 15:01:00 –  FULL MOON IN AQUARIUS: The axis of expansion is activated through knowledge and exploration of the mental and physical worlds. It is necessary to find your voice and express yourself, either in private or in public. Travel and environmental changes also attract you, giving you more to think about and satisfying your curiosity.

You have a generous and expansive nature and an optimistic outlook on life.


A challenged Moon can often indicate insecurity, hypersensitivity, or emotional dysfunction in someone’s life, especially in childhood. But in some cases, people who are in comfort zone in their emotional life will rarely feel driven to put out the energy needed to become successful or even famous. Hard aspects of Moon can serve as inner drive for one’s ambitions later in life.

Do you know what kind of aspects of Moon are in your natal chart?


Order one of Consultations from here http://goforastrology.com/consultations/ 


MERCURY is in LEO until 12 August: You are enthusiastic in your quest for knowledge. and proud of your learning abilities. Mercury will have a conjunction with Sun in Leo so it is time to shine by communication your need, your abilities, to promote your personal brand.

MERCURY is in VIRGO between 12 and 30 August (in rulership): Your mind goes razor-sharp, paying attention to detail, but you can be just as critical and analytical. You can also become obsessed with detailed knowledge. This can be detrimental to you in your daily life, although it is very beneficial to do any kind of research. You like to be precise in communicating with others. It stimulates your motivating discussions, with people who have quality information and research-based arguments.

MERCURY is in LIBRA between 30 August and 6 November under influence of a retrograde cycle:

Between 30 August and 26 September Mercury is in direct motion,

Between 26 and 28 September Mercury is in retrograde station,

Between 28 September and 17 October Mercury is in retrograde motion,

Between 17 and 19 October Mercury is in direct station,

Between 19 October and 6 November Mercury is in direct station.

In this #astrovlog I am talking about MERCURY retrograde cycles in air sings in 2021 and how they work for all of you. Listen from minute 10:59:  https://youtu.be/Cqny6G6dhyg


VENUS is in VIRGO until 16 August (in falling): During this period you are more pragmatic, even in love relationships, you have higher demands from you and others, it is important not to overrate your desire for perfection because disappointment is guaranteed. Better enjoy every result you get and stay with your feet on the ground.

VENUS is in LIBRA between 16 August and 11 September (in rulership): You really need to relate in a harmonious and creative way. You are concerned with looking good, refining your behavior and surrounding yourself with everything that is beautiful.

Venus and Mars alchemy in your natal chart shows the level of harmony between desire and affection, between sexuality and feelings, and especially the level of inner harmony when you relate to the opposite sex: https://youtu.be/xLMr0cjZpVs


MARS is in VIRGO between 29 July and 15 September: You will follow your personal desires in a practical and methodical way. Become critical if those around you oppose your actions. Between August 12 and 18 because Mercury is in conjunction with Mars you have more persuasive power, so it’s a good time to promote your ideas, business or even your own person.

In this #astrovlog I am talking about MARS in signs and houses. In witch sign and house do you have MARS in your natal chart? https://youtu.be/8_6GU3Kz95c


JUPITER is in AQUARIUS until 29 DECEMBER 2021, with an exception between May 14 and July 28 when Jupiter was escaped in Pisces.

Until 18 October Jupiter goes retrograde in Aquarius

On 18 October Jupiter goes direct in Aquarius

On 29 December Jupiter ingress again and final in Pisces

This transit can bring an expansion in personal and financial plans but also there is the risk of waste or even financial losses, it can also bring more understanding and compassion but it can also bring confusion and tendency to exaggerate, especially spiritually, of beliefs and the risk of delusion is quite high.

See where Jupiter sits in your natal chart to see what opportunities it can bring but also about areas where you can delude or exaggerate. It also matters what planets Jupiter encounters in the house it transits and how it looks with other planets in the natal chart.

Here you have #astrovlog about JUPITER transit in AQUARIUS and influence for each Ascendant: https://youtu.be/ynOxqX8xvgU


As you already know Saturn is in Aquarius until 7 March 2023.

Until 11 October Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius: During this retrograde cycle of Saturn, you will feel a slowdown or a jam in certain activities, it depends a lot on what home in the natal chart Saturn in transit, and if Saturn meets the personal planets, then the situation is personalized altogether. You will work harder, or you will make a bigger effort in making plans, and some adjustments or expansions are not excluded for better efficiency. Saturn usually requires a better organization or structure of information. Relationship with certain authorities is complicated, so any action, to be completed, requires patience and perseverance.

I am talking about this transit and its global impact and also for each sign and Ascendant: https://tinyurl.com/hs4se6aw


URANUS is in TAURUS  until 26 April 2026. 

Starting with 20 August is starting a retrograde cycle:

Between 20 and 22 August is in retrograde station,

Between 22 August and 18 January 2022 is in retrograde motion

Between 18 and 20 January is in direct station

Starting with 20 January 2022 is in direct motion

Here you have a video about URANUS in TAURUS transit: https://youtu.be/1wky51I8pzE  


Here you have a video about this transit here, for each Ascendant: https://youtu.be/gGETHi50TEY


PLUTO is in CAPRICORN between until  24 March 2023.

Until 5 October Pluto is in retrograde motion

Between 5 and 7 October Pluto is in direct motion

Starting with 7 October Pluto are in direct motion

During this retrograde cycle of Pluto, has a role of resetting an activity in your life and assuming a new beginning. Usually this change is harder as your resistance is higher. As the old Greeks called it Pantai rei (Everything Flows) people prefer to learn that life means a permanent change, which implies that flexibility and adaptability are the most important attitudes to change. And the Chinese, in their special alphabet, the word crisis has two interpretations: danger and opportunity, which means that in any crisis there is at least one opportunity for growth and learning.

In this #astrovlog​​ I am talking about Pluto in signs and houses in natal chart.  Do you know where is Pluto placed in your natal chart? https://youtu.be/Y89I-o80UJA


NEPTUNE transits PISCES until March 29, 2025: Neptune does not fall into the category of personal planets and has a personal impact only if it creates conjunction with personal planets in the natal chart. The impact of this planet is greater on the social, mundane, mass level. I would not be surprised that by the end of this transit, things will be settled so that we have only one religion for all nations. Not the other way around, but it is easier to manipulate people, the control is greater. I would like you to understand that institutional religion is one and deep belief in something beyond our power is something else. Sometimes they coincide, in the sense that you can find a priest or a monk with grace who can guide you and show you the right way. But it is clear to all of you that it is a strictly personal choice and there is no need to let everyone to know what you have chosen. Also, during history Neptune in Pisces have been involved in many pandemic crises.

Until 1 December 2021 NEPTUNE is in retrograde motion.

During this retrograde cycle of Neptune, you will become more sensitive to the environment and your intuition, inspiration and dreams will take up more of your personal time. It is good that during this period you will write down any idea or dream because you never know when you will use this information in real life. There are favored artistic and esoteric activities.

Take more care of your immune system.

In this #astrovlog​​ I am talking about Neptune in signs and houses in natal chart.  Do you know where is Neptune placed in your natal chart? https://youtu.be/ubNSRLSNTYI

In this #astrovlog I am talking about outer planets – Uranus, Neptune and Pluto and what are their significations in astrology: https://youtu.be/_XRoUmxmaxk

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I invite you for a journey into the fascinating world of Astrology!
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for the latest news on Astrology! It is important to know that; all chart interpretations are done by an Astrologer and not by computer software. Computer software is used only to draw the chart. If you already subscribe to my website or my YouTube Channel, I THANK YOU!

IMPORTANT NOTES: In all my astrological research and interpretations, I use the Whole signs (house system) because it is the oldest house system (used by ancient Greek astrologers) who has proven its real value during history. When I am writing about aspects between planets, I use aspect from sign to sign; I am using a traditional way of interpretation of aspects. An aspect is not a must to be at perfect orb to have an effect. It is enough if we have a planet in a sign that forms an aspect with another planet from another sign. The most powerful aspects are conjunctions, oppositions, squares, and trines. 

I wish you a lovely summertime!

Monica Lazar
