Sunday, September 1, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun

Today, the Sun is in Virgo, and Mercury, the ruler of Virgo, is in Leo. This combination of influences creates a favorable context for blending attention to detail with creativity. It’s an ideal moment to approach tasks with meticulousness while expressing ideas with enthusiasm and originality. Finding a balance between perfectionism and creativity is crucial, and clear, organized communication is beneficial for presentations and activities. This configuration supports the innovative implementation of ideas in a structured manner.

Mercury is in direct motion in Leo until September 9, helping you express yourself with passion and present your ideas with confidence. However, it is important to remain balanced and appreciate others’ contributions.

Monday, September 2, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

Today at 06:48:21, the Moon enters Virgo.

Venus transits through Libra until September 23: There is a strong emphasis on harmony and cooperation in relationships. It’s a favorable period for resolving conflicts and strengthening bonds. There may be increased interest in art, fashion, and beauty, with people paying more attention to their appearance and presentation. This period enhances the ability to mediate conflicts and find fair solutions for all parties involved.

Until September 4, Venus in Libra is conjunct the South Node in Libra and opposed to the North Node in Aries: This transit may bring a period of introspection and reevaluation of relationships and personal values. It is an opportune time to heal past emotional wounds, find balance between personal needs and those of partners, and learn to manifest individuality harmoniously. Decisions made now can have long-term impacts, considering the karmic implications of the South Node and the evolutionary direction indicated by the North Node.

Mars transits through Gemini until September 4, favoring strategic planning, self-discipline, and exploring new ideas. It’s an excellent time to channel your energy and intellect into projects requiring determination. However, avoid the tendency to be scattered. Effective communication and openness to innovation are crucial. With Mars square retrograde Neptune in Pisces, be mindful of details and avoid impulsive decisions, as confusion and illusions may be heightened. Maintain a balance between action and introspection, using creative energy for personal transformation and clarity.

Between September 2 and October 13, 2024, Pluto retrogrades in Capricorn for the last time and may bring profound, transformative influences to prepare you for the upcoming period:

– Encourages introspection regarding structures and responsibilities in your life, aiding in fundamental changes.

– Challenges you to analyze how you exercise and experience power and control.

– Makes you reevaluate and restructure responsibilities and commitments.

– Facilitates the process of releasing past traumas and unresolved conflicts.

– Allows you to reconsider long-term goals and ambitions, ensuring they align with your core values.

– May bring clarity in relationships with superiors and leaders, balancing respect for authority with a desire for autonomy.

Overall, this transit helps you make essential adjustments and build a stronger, more authentic foundation in your life. Check which house Pluto retrogrades through in Capricorn to understand where you need to close certain chapters and prepare for Pluto’s lengthy transit through Aquarius.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars

Today at 04:55:10, the New Moon in Virgo occurs. This New Moon in Virgo, located in the 2nd house, is an ideal time to start a new chapter in your financial life, focusing on organization, efficiency, and a calculated approach to resources. With Mercury in Leo ruling this house, financial success may come through creative expression and confidence in your communication and self-assertion skills. It’s a good time to initiate new projects that can bring financial stability and to showcase your personal resources intelligently.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

Today at 19:11:38, the Moon enters Libra.

Mars transits through Cancer from September 4 to November 4 and will retrograde next year from January 6 to February 25, 2025, after retrograding through Leo. You can find a video about this long retrograde cycle of Mars through two signs:

Thursday, September 5, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter

Uranus is in Taurus for a long journey, ending on April 26, 2026. Until January 31, Uranus will be in retrograde motion. Retrograde Uranus in Taurus brings inner changes and reassessments of personal values and resources. During this period, you might feel the need to rethink aspects related to financial security and your goals. You may also discover innovative ideas and new perspectives, but you’ll be confronted with the conflict between the desire for stability and the impulse for change. It’s a suitable time for deep introspection and personal adjustments that better reflect what you truly want. It’s important to see if this Uranus transit forms any aspect with personal planets in your natal chart.

Friday, September 6, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

Today and tomorrow, the opposition between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Saturn in Pisces may make you feel restricted, pushing you to be more disciplined and responsible. The T-square between Mercury in Leo, the Midheaven in Aquarius, and retrograde Uranus in Taurus can bring tensions in communication and unexpected changes, requiring flexibility and openness to innovation. The trine between the Moon’s transit in Libra and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn can create tensions in relationships and power struggles, amplifying emotions and prompting a reevaluation of personal values. It’s a time for confronting and transforming deep emotional issues, with opportunities for personal growth and healing.

Saturday, September 7, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn

Today at 08:18:26, the Moon enters Scorpio (in its fall).

The opposition between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Saturn in Pisces challenges you to balance being organized with dealing with limitations, learning to be patient and adaptable. The trine between the Moon in Scorpio and Mars in Cancer gives you emotional energy and courage, motivating you to act with passion and intensity.

The trine between retrograde Uranus in Taurus and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn supports profound changes and transformations, offering you the chance to reevaluate and adjust the structures in your life to find stability in an innovative way.

Sunday, September 8, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun

Today, the opposition between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Saturn in Pisces makes you face limitations and challenges that require patience and responsibility, emphasizing the need to be organized and focused. At the same time, the square between the Sun in Virgo and Jupiter in Gemini creates tension between the desire for expansion and exploration and the need to remain attentive to details. It is important to manage your expectations and find a balance between expanding and being realistic about your capabilities.

Monday, September 9, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

Today at 20:25:32, the Moon enters Sagittarius.

Mercury goes direct in Virgo at 09:50:06 and will transit through Virgo until September 26. This transit helps you communicate more clearly and approach things in an orderly and efficient manner. It is a good time to resolve problems, organize, and improve various aspects of your life, but it’s important not to become too critical or obsessed with perfection.

Today, the Moon’s entry into Sagittarius forms a square with Mercury in Virgo, which can create tensions between the desire for freedom and expansion and the tendency to be critical and analytical. This aspect may lead to misunderstandings and communication conflicts, requiring a balance between the big picture and attention to detail.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars

From September 10 to 16, the square between Mars in Cancer and the Lunar Nodes challenges you to balance emotions with your goals. Mars in Cancer brings conflicts related to the need for emotional security, while the North Node in Aries encourages boldness and independence. The South Node in Libra suggests lessons related to relationships and balance, and tensions may arise in collaborations. During this period, you need to find ways to integrate your emotional desires with your goals, managing both internal and external conflicts.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

Today at 09:05:10, the First Quarter Moon occurs with the Moon in Sagittarius.

This configuration encourages you to find a balance between the need to explore new ideas and beliefs (Moon in Sagittarius in the 3rd house) and the need for introspection and inner healing (Sun in Virgo in the 12th house). Jupiter, ruling the 3rd house and the focal point of the T-square, encourages you to expand your horizons, but to do so with discernment, avoiding superficiality. The challenges presented by this T-square can be difficult to manage but also offer significant growth opportunities.

Between September 11 and 16, Venus in Libra forms a trine with Jupiter in Gemini, bringing harmony and expansion in various aspects of your life. Take advantage of this positive energy to enhance your relationships, express your creativity, and broaden your horizons through learning and communication. Be open to opportunities and act with confidence and balance to maximize the benefits of this favorable transit.

Thursday, September 12, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter

Today at 05:37:32, the Moon enters Capricorn (in its fall).

Saturn transits through Pisces until February 13, 2026. From this vlog, learn about the general influence, history of this transit, and its effect on each Ascendant:

Saturn in Pisces is in retrograde motion until November 16, 2024, offering an opportunity to blend practical sense with spirituality and restructure your life to reflect your deepest truths. It is a time for intense inner work and potential profound transformation.

Friday, September 13, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

The trine between Venus in Libra and Jupiter in Gemini indicates harmony in relationships, favoring communication and social opportunities. This beneficial aspect improves connections, encourages cooperation and expansion, making it an ideal time for pleasant interactions, personal growth, and financial development.

Saturday, September 14, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn

The trine between the Moon and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn with retrograde Uranus in Taurus brings opportunities for profound emotional transformation and innovative changes. You can explore and resolve old emotional issues, improving internal structures. At the same time, retrograde Uranus stimulates original ideas and unconventional solutions for personal stability. This aspect helps you integrate changes naturally and harmoniously, using intuition to adapt perspectives and improve emotional balance.

Today at 19:53:19, the Moon enters Aquarius.

Sunday, September 15, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun

Neptune transits through Pisces until March 30, 2025, at 13:59. Neptune is not a personal planet and impacts individuals only if it forms aspects with personal planets in the natal chart. Its influence is more significant on a social, mundane level, affecting the masses.

Where is Neptune in your natal chart? Neptune in retrograde in Pisces, until December 7, profoundly influences both individuals and collectives. This transit favors introspection, meditation, and revealing illusions, providing clarity in relationships and supporting emotional healing. It may cause confusion and difficulties in decision-making but enhances creativity and spiritual interests. Overall, it encourages connecting with your inner self and working on personal transformation.

In this #astrovlog I am talking about Saturn Neptune cycle which lasts about 36 years:

The current cycle began in 1989 and the next one starts with the conjunction in 2025 – 2026. It enters a wide orb from 2024 and then slowly moves closer into 2025, fading out by about 2027. There are several alignments along the way but only the final one is exact. Here are the basic dates for your diary:

May – June 2025

July – August 2025

February – March 2026

Monday, September 16, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

Before leaving Aquarius, the Moon forms a square with retrograde Uranus in Taurus, which may bring emotional tensions and difficulties in finding balance between the desire for change and the need for stability. Emotions may be unpredictable, and adaptation challenges are possible.

At the same time, the trine between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Uranus in Taurus offers opportunities to integrate innovative changes in an organized and efficient manner, facilitating the discovery of ingenious solutions and their successful implementation.

Today at 12:38:55, the Moon enters Pisces.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars

The trine between the Moon in Pisces and Mars in Cancer brings emotional energy and determination, facilitating courageous and empathetic actions. The trine between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Uranus in Taurus continues to offer opportunities to integrate innovative changes in an organized way, improving existing structures.

At the same time, the opposition between Mercury in Virgo and retrograde Saturn in Pisces may create difficulties in communication and clarity, challenging you to approach information with more precision and patience to overcome obstacles related to expressing ideas.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

Today at 05:34:25, we have a Full Moon and a Partial Lunar Eclipse in Pisces.

I will post on 3rd of September an #astrovlog about this topic.

Also today at 12:23:56, the Moon enters Aries.

Thursday, September 19, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter

The trine between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Uranus in Taurus, as well as the trine with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, brings opportunities for implementing innovative changes and making profound transformations in your life, integrating original ideas in a practical and organized manner.

However, the opposition between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Neptune in Pisces may cause confusion and difficulties in seeing clearly the direction you should take.

Additionally, the square between Venus in Libra and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn might bring tensions and conflicts in relationships, highlighting issues of power and control that require a sincere and balanced approach.

Friday, September 20, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

Today at 12:02:30, the Moon enters Taurus (in exaltation).

A simultaneous opposition between Venus in Libra and the Moon in Taurus, as well as a square with retrograde Pluto in Capricorn, brings major challenges in the realm of relationships and emotions. This astrological configuration may generate intense tensions but also offers an opportunity for profound transformation. Managing this transit with wisdom, courage, and a desire for growth can lead to greater self-understanding and more authentic and balanced relationships.

 The Venus-Pluto square lasts until September 23.

Saturday, September 21, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn

The trine between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn offers you the chance to make deep and constructive changes in your life.

The opposition between the Sun in Virgo and retrograde Neptune in Pisces may create confusion and cause you to waver between realism and illusions.

The square between Venus in Libra and retrograde Pluto in Capricorn indicates tensions in relationships, possible power struggles, and a need for honesty.

Mars in Cancer, forming a T-square with the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra, brings challenges related to balancing emotions with independence.

The square between Mercury in Virgo and Jupiter in Gemini may cause misunderstandings in communication, requiring clarity and precision.

Sunday, September 22, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun

The Sun enters Libra at 15:43:34 on September 22, 2024. Happy birthday to all Libras! Here is the profile of a Libra native in this #astrovlog:

On this occasion, we also have the Autumn Equinox.

Today at 13:24:16, the Moon enters Gemini.

Monday, September 23, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

Venus transits through Scorpio from September 23 to October 17, marking a period of deep transformation in relationships and emotional life. While it may bring challenges and confrontations with deep emotions, it also offers the opportunity to create more authentic relationships and heal emotional wounds. It is an ideal time to explore deeper aspects of love, intimacy, and personal values.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mars

Today at 17:50:00, the Moon enters Cancer (in its domicile).

At 21:49:05, the Last Quarter Moon occurs in Cancer. This aspect provides an opportunity to reevaluate and adjust how you manage your material resources (Moon in Cancer in the 2nd house) in relation to your desires for creative expression and romance (Sun in Libra in the 5th house). This aspect asks you to find a balance between securing financial stability and enjoying life’s pleasures. It is a good time to make adjustments in how you allocate your resources and time to meet both your security needs and your desires for self-expression and joy.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 – The day is ruled by Mercury

Today Mercury in Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces, you may face confusion and miscommunication. It’s challenging to see things clearly, so approach this time with patience.

Conversely, the trine between Mercury in Virgo and Pluto retrograde in Capricorn supports deep insights and effective communication. This aspect enhances your ability to address complex issues and make significant, transformative changes.

Thursday, September 26, 2024 – The day is ruled by Jupiter

Mercury transits through Libra from September 26 to October 13. Mercury’s entry into Libra in the 12th house, conjunct with the Sun, offers a valuable opportunity for introspection and inner healing. It is a good time to connect with your inner self, release emotional baggage, and seek mental and emotional balance. Following these practical tips will help you navigate this period of reflection and self-discovery:

Keep a journal during this period to note your thoughts, dreams, and reflections. This can help you connect with your deeper emotions and identify issues that need attention. The journal will help clarify aspects that might otherwise remain confusing or unclear.

Meditation or mindfulness practices can be extremely beneficial now. They will allow you to calm your mind and connect with your inner self, providing a clearer perspective on your thoughts and emotions. It’s a good time to withdraw from external busyness and spend time in quiet.

Since communication can become more sensitive and subtle, avoid tense discussions or direct confrontations. Instead, focus on active listening and understanding others’ perspectives. If you need to address difficult topics, do so with tact and diplomacy, characteristic of Libra.

Use this energy to engage in creative or artistic activities. These can serve as a channel for expressing deeper thoughts and emotions, helping you find inner balance.

Pay attention to your mental and emotional hygiene. You might clear out negative thoughts and attitudes that drag you down. Practices such as forgiveness, releasing resentments, and adopting a more positive attitude can be extremely beneficial.

Friday, September 27, 2024 – The day is ruled by Venus

Today at 01:47:15, the Moon enters Leo.

Venus rules Libra, so check out the vlogs from this link to better understand how this planet functions in astrology:

Saturday, September 28, 2024 – The day is ruled by Saturn

The opposition between Mercury, the Sun, the South Node in Libra, and the North Node in Aries challenges you to balance personal needs with those of relationships, encouraging independence and authenticity. The trine between Mars in Cancer and retrograde Saturn in Pisces brings stability and discipline, helping you progress in your personal goals with patience and perseverance. The square between Jupiter in Gemini and retrograde Saturn in Pisces may create tensions between the desire for expansion and the need for discipline, asking you to find a balance between idealism and realism.

Sunday, September 29, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Sun

Today at 12:41:32, the Moon enters Virgo.

In this #astrovlog I am talking about how LIBRA natives communicate :

Today I am talking about how #Libra natives behaves in love relationships:

Monday, September 30, 2024 – The day is ruled by the Moon

In this #astrovlog​​ I am talking about body and health of #Libra zodiac sign:


I wish you all a lovely Autumn!


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Monica Lazar

