Friday – September 1, 2023 – Venus retrograde in Leo rules the day

At 16:24:49 – Moon ingress Aries (Romanian local time) – On this occasion a position is formed between Moon in Aries in the 4th house and Mars in Libra in the 10th house: This opposition could signify an inner conflict between emotional needs and personal relationships (Moon in Aries in 4th house) and professional ambitions and social collaboration (Mars in Libra in 10th house). The person might feel pressure to manage their time and energies in such a way as to achieve a balance between family and professional life.

Saturday – September 2, 2023 – The day is ruled by Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

SATURN transits the sign of PISCES until February 13, 2026. From this vlog learn about the overall influence, the history of this transit and the influence for each Ascendant:

Until November 5 SATURN is retrograde and brings an introspective and reflective energy to life’s responsibilities, boundaries and structures. This transit may emphasize the need to examine and reevaluate how we fulfill our responsibilities and build the foundations of our lives.

Saturn is associated with discipline, responsibility and maturity. In the sign of Pisces, Saturn’s energy is brought out in a more subtle, intuitive and sensitive way. This transit can bring a time when we need to look inward and explore the deeper aspects of our self, our personal boundaries and the structures we have built.

Saturn’s retrograde suggests that it’s time to review and reflect on how we relate to responsibilities and building a solid foundation in our lives. We may need to confront fears, blocks and personal limitations that have been holding us back and work through them to reach our full potential.

Pisces is a sign associated with sensitivity, intuition and connecting with the deeper dimensions of life. Saturn’s transit into this sign may bring a time when we are called to connect more deeply with our intuition, listen to our inner voice and use our intuition to guide our decisions.

During this transit, we may become more aware of our emotional and spiritual limitations and responsibilities. We may feel the need to confront our inner fears and blockages, release old patterns and take responsibility for our own spiritual and emotional evolution.

Sunday – September 3, 2023 – Day ruled by the Sun in Virgo

At 17:59:44 (Romanian local time) Moon ingress Taurus (in exaltation)

Monday – September 4, 2023 – Day is ruled by Moon in Taurus

Tuesday – September 5, 2023 – Day is ruled by Mars in Libra

At 11:06:35pm (Romanian local time) – Moon ingress Gemini in the 1st house and forms an applying square with Saturn in Pisces in the 10th house: This configuration can bring with it an internal struggle between the emotional needs to communicate and interact freely and the pressure to be responsible and serious yet creative in career and social status. It can be difficult to find a balance between expressing your emotions and conforming to professional expectations.

This quadrature can bring to the surface the clash between your needs for adaptability and change and more or less imagined limitations, blocks or fears. You may need to explore and overcome some emotional obstacles to feel better.

MARS transits the sign of LIBRA until October 12:

During this period, relationships undergo a passionate revival, and conflicts may arise in efforts to balance personal needs with those of others. Mars in Libra brings a challenging and decisive energy, encouraging individuals to firmly express their desires and set healthy boundaries in their relationships.

This transit offers a unique opportunity to bring passion and justice into balance, to turn conflicts into opportunities for growth and mutual understanding. It is a time when we can learn to take risks in love and actively support our life partners and friendships in the pursuit of genuine harmony.

Until October 4, Mars in Libra forms an applying conjunction with the South Node and an applying opposition with the North Node.

When Mars forms conjunction with the South Node in Libra, the hot and passionate Martian energy combines with the karmic energies of our past, related to relationships, harmony and balance. This transit brings to the forefront our desires and how we relate to others in terms of relationships and justice.

The conjunction with the South Node challenges us to look into our past and evaluate how we have manifested our desires and passions in our past relationships. It can be a time to reflect on how we handled conflict and balance in our partnerships and how we can integrate these lessons into the present.

At the same time, Mars’ opposition to the North Node in Aries adds extra tension to this transit. Bold and powerful Martian energy opposes the karmic direction we need to move in to evolve. This opposition can cause friction and conflict between our need for independence and our desire to build harmonious and balanced relationships.

This astral configuration challenges us to consciously integrate Martian energy in constructive ways and find ways to take risks in a balanced and responsible way. It is an opportunity to learn to affirm our personal desires and needs in a way that respects and supports the needs of others.

Wednesday – September 6, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mercury retrograde in Virgo

Until October 5, MERCURY transits the sign of VIRGO and will also go through a retrograde cycle. It’s important to understand that the impact of this cycle is happening as soon as Mercury enters Virgo.

In this #astrovlog I talk about this transit:

I remind you that Mercury entered Virgo on July 29 at 00:31:12,

Until September 14, Mercury in Virgo is in retrograde motion,

Between September 14 and 16, Mercury in Virgo is in direct station

Between September 16 and October 5 Mercury in Virgo is in direct motion,

On October 5 at 03:08:34 Mercury ingress Libra and thus ends this cycle of Mercury retrograde in Virgo.

Thursday – September 7, 2023 – Jupiter retrograde in Taurus rules the day

At 01:21 we have the Third Quarter in Gemini (Romanian local time): Indicates a tension or challenge between the energies of the two planets. The Moon in Gemini may want to explore communication and more open social interactions, while the Sun in Virgo may want to analyze and bring order to these interactions.

During this transit, you may feel a pressure between the need to communicate and explore different ideas (Moon in Gemini) and the need to approach communication with an orderly and practical approach (Sun in Virgo).

As transits can influence different aspects of life, this aspect can bring challenges related to expressing inner emotions, communicating within the family or community.

Overall, this interaction may require a careful and balanced approach to how you communicate and relate to those around you. It is important to remember that astrology has a subjective interpretation and does not have a solid scientific basis.

JUPITER transits the sign of TAURUS until May 26, 2024 and here’s an #astrovlog about the significance of this transit and its impact for each ascendant:

This month Jupiter enters a retrograde cycle, thus:

Between September 5 and December 30, 2023 Jupiter is in retrograde station

Between December 30, 2023 and January 1, 2024 Jupiter is in direct station

Between 1 January and 26 May 2024 Jupiter is in direct motion

Here’s what this retrograde can do: Jupiter retrograde in Taurus can bring a period of review and reflection on how we approach personal growth and expansion in the material and pragmatic aspects of life. We may wonder if the directions or projects we have previously started are still appropriate to achieve our goals.

Taurus is a zodiac sign that values stability and gradual building. During Jupiter’s retrograde transit in Taurus, we may feel the need to slow things down and examine the details more carefully before making major decisions or moving forward with big projects.

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus may bring an opportunity to reevaluate what we consider valuable and important in terms of material possessions, financial resources and material comforts. We may wonder if we are focusing excessively on things that don’t really bring us long-term satisfaction.

Taurus is associated with sensory pleasures and connecting with the senses. Jupiter retrograde in Taurus may encourage a deeper exploration of pleasurable experiences and how we enjoy our daily lives.

Friday – September 8, 2023 – Day is ruled by Venus in Leo in direct motion

September 8 at 07:59:43 – The Moon ingress Cancer (in its own domicile) in the 11th house and forms a trine to Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the 7th house: With the Moon in the 11th house, you may feel a greater need for connection and interaction with friends and colleagues. This transit can encourage involvement in groups or communities that bring you emotional satisfaction. However, Saturn retrograde in the 7th house may bring up the need to evaluate and review how you manage these relationships. The Moon in Cancer can heighten sensitivity and concern for the welfare of others, which can play a role in your interactions with friends and colleagues. With Saturn retrograde in the 7th house, you have the opportunity to examine how you are fulfilling your responsibilities in relationships and take steps to bring balance and stability to them.

Saturn retrograde can bring lessons from the past to the forefront, especially when it comes to partnerships. It’s a good time to reflect on past experiences and apply the lessons to current or future relationships.

VENUS transits the sign of LEO until October 9 also going through a retrograde.

In this #astrovlog I talk about the Venus retrograde cycle in Leo:

Here are the stages still to go in its Venus in Leo retrograde cycle:

Venus is already in direct motion in Leo as of September 5, 2023 at 04:20:04

Venus enters Virgo on October 9, 2022 at 04:10:41 , from this time the Venus retrograde cycle in Leo ends.

Saturday – September 9, 2023 – Saturn retrograde in Pisces rules the day.

URANUS is in TAURUS for a long journey, ending April 26, 2026. 

I won’t dwell on what this transit in Taurus represents as I’ve made your calendar head with this topic, instead I’d like to know in what area of your life do you tend to act differently, original to most people? And what happened in your life when you broke out of conformity? In this #astrovlog explain what situations you are put in until April 2026:

Until January 28, 2024 Uranus in Taurus is retrograde and we are called to open our minds and hearts to unexplored possibilities. Wild and brilliant ideas glow in our consciousness, and the desire to escape conventional constraints grows in intensity. In the midst of chaos, we find that freedom lies in transformation and the ability to embrace change as part of our evolution.

This retrograde journey requires us to confront our own fears and free ourselves from self-imposed limitations. In the cosmic chaos, we find the opportunity to discover our true essence and make revolutionary changes in our lives.

Uranus in retrograde Taurus reminds us that our core values and inner stability can be transformed through adaptability and openness to newness. In the midst of this cosmic vortex, we learn to appreciate the beauty of diversity and seek innovative ways to express our authenticity and originality.

As Uranus in Taurus retrograde steps through the labyrinths of our inner universe, we awaken to life and open up to new horizons. We are urged to embrace the world with new perceptions and challenge the status quo, contributing to transformational change on a personal and collective level.

Sunday – September 10, 2023 – Day ruled by the Sun in Virgo

At 19:36:05 Moon ingress Leo (Romanian local time)

NEPTUNE transits the sign of PISCES until March 30, 2025 at 13:59: First of all, Neptune does not fall into the category of personal planets and only has an impact on a personal level if it creates conjunction aspect with personal planets in the natal chart. The impact of this planet is greater on a social, mundane, mass level. Neptune in Pisces is retrograde until December 7, 2023.

Where do you have Neptune in your natal chart?

The transit of Neptune retrograde in Pisces brings a deeply spiritual energy that invites us to connect more deeply with the more subtle and intuitive aspects of our lives. This transit can bring a period of reflection, review and inner transformation.

Neptune is associated with spirituality, imagination, compassion and connection to higher dimensions of existence. In the sign of Pisces, Neptune is at home and finds its most natural expression. This transit intensifies Neptunian energy and brings it out in a deeper, more introspective way.

Neptune’s retrograde indicates a time when we are called to reflect on our inner illusions and confusions. We may be invited to confront fears, blocks or addictions that have held us captive and work to release them. It is a good time to reveal and bring to light more subtle and hidden aspects of our self.

During this transit, we may be more sensitive and receptive to the subtle energies and influences around us. Intuition and connection to the spiritual plane can be heightened, giving us the opportunity to listen to our inner voice and guide our lives more deeply and authentically.

Monday – September 11, 2023 – Day ruled by Moon in Leo

Pluto is retrograde in Capricorn until October 12.

Overall, the message of this Pluto retrograde path through the two zodiac signs is to free ourselves from old constraints and patterns, to take hold of our inner power and transform aspects that no longer serve us. We are given the opportunity to confront hidden aspects and unspoken truths, both in our personal lives and in society as a whole.

Tuesday – September 12, 2023 – Mars in Libra rules the day

Wednesday – September 13, 2023 – Day ruled by Mercury retrograde in Virgo

At 08:18:02 Moon ingress Virgo (Romanian local time): Lunar, whenever the Moon transits the sign of Virgo it creates an opposition to Saturn in Pisces, and today it creates this aspect of oppositions on the 6th-12th house axis. Thus, the Moon in Virgo in the 12th house indicates a time when there may be a greater desire to explore the deeper aspects of yourself and your motivations. This can be an opportunity to better understand the connections between your emotions and how you act in your daily life. With Saturn retrograde in the 6th house, the focus is on organizing daily routines, work, health and personal care. This transit may require a detailed analysis of how you manage your time, responsibilities, and physical and mental well-being. The tension between the 12th and 6th houses may indicate a need to find a balance between your emotional needs and the demands of daily life. It’s important to give yourself space to connect with yourself in a healthy way without ignoring your responsibilities.

Thursday – September 14, 2023 – Day ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus

A square is created between Jupiter retrograde in Taurus in the 12th house with Venus in Leo in the 3rd house. Jupiter retrograde in Taurus may seek deeper inner understanding, while Venus in Leo may want to be visible and express herself creatively.

During this transit, you may feel a pressure between the need to explore the inner side of existence and the need to communicate in an expressive and passionate way with others. This square may require you to find a balance between expanding your spiritual horizons (Jupiter in Taurus in 12th house) and expressing yourself with passion and creativity in your day-to-day interactions (Venus in Leo in 3rd house).

Overall, this interaction can bring challenges in terms of finding a balance between the inner side and outer expressiveness. Remember that astrology has a subjective interpretation and interpretations can vary depending on individual aspects of the astrological chart.

Friday – September 15, 2023 – Venus in Leo rules the day

September 15 at 04:39:00 (Romanian local time) – New Moon phase in Virgo opposes Neptune retrograde in Pisces in the 8th house, a trine to Uranus retrograde in Taurus in the 10th house, and a trine to Pluto retrograde in the 6th house.

The opposition may indicate a tension or contrast between the energies of the two planets. The New Moon in Virgo can bring a desire for clarity and practical reality in material life, while Neptune retrograde in Pisces can bring elements of confusion, idealism and deep sensitivity in deeper, financial matters (8th house).

Trine is considered a harmonious aspect, suggesting a positive interaction between energies. Uranus retrograde in Taurus in the 10th house can bring a desire for independence and innovative changes in career and public reputation. This may be in line with a desire to bring about practical changes and order in personal resources.

Trine with retrograde Pluto in the 6th house can emphasize the desire for personal transformation and inner development through practical and routine changes. Pluto retrograde can intensify the search for depth and meaning in your daily tasks and in the way you manage your responsibilities.

At 20:44:29 (Romanian local time) Moon ingress Libra

Saturday – September 16, 2023 – Saturn retrograde in Pisces rules the day

The Lunar Nodes transits Aries – Libra axis and manifest their influence until January 12, 2025 at 01:01:30 (Romanian local time). You have here an #astrovlog about the general impact of this transit but also the impact on each Ascendant:

Sunday – September 17, 2023 – Day ruled by the Sun in Virgo

Eris asteroid is named after the ancient Greek goddess of conflict and discord.  The discovery of this “scattered-disk object” has shaken up the world of astronomy and forced a rethink of how astronomers define a “planet”, leading to the invention of the category “dwarf planet.  Eris needs substantial research, but early signs suggest that it is not an inherently malign influence in the horoscope, regardless of nefarious mythology.  Instead, Eris appears to be an evolutionary moving force, an agent of change – and then some!  Eris moves incredibly slowly through the zodiac, but its movement in terms of influence (on character, on events) is rapid, sometimes “fast and furious”.

Eris has been in Aries since 1926 and will be until 2048. Recently the global leftists have given the name of Eris to the last version of the beetle for which they have already prepared the next inception.

The 2030 Agenda of the World Economic Forum wants this, to push us towards what serves them. So far it has worked. Obedience is punishable by total lack of freedom. What’s your choice? I’ll do a video in the near future about the asteroid Eris.

Monday – September 18, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Moon in Libra and Scorpio.

At 07:58:11 (Romanian local time) Moon ingress Scorpio (in fall).

On this occasion, a trine is formed between the Moon in Scorpio in the 2nd house and Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the 6th house, both vocational houses that can put you in the following situations: It can bring harmony between deep emotions (Moon in Scorpio) and the way a person takes on responsibilities and structure in their everyday life (Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the 6th house). There might be a mature and conscious approach in managing both emotional aspects and daily tasks and obligations.

The Moon in Scorpio in the 2nd house indicates a strong connection between emotions and material value. The trine with Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the 6th house can bring intuition and the ability to make wise financial decisions to the forefront. The person could manage their resources wisely, considering both pragmatic and intangible aspects.

Saturn retrograde in Pisces in the 6th house may suggest introspection related to daily routine and health. With the trine formed by the Moon in Scorpio in the 2nd house, the person could find a balance between their emotional needs and building a healthy routine. This aspect can facilitate the development of a harmonious lifestyle aligned with personal values.

Tuesday – September 19, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mars in Libra.

Mars in Libra forms a sextile with Venus in Leo, so Mars and Venus support each other to create a constructive combination.

During this transit, you may find that personal passions and desires can be expressed beautifully and cooperatively in interactions with others. Efforts to maintain balance and harmony in relationships (Mars in Libra) can be accompanied by creative and expressive energy in how you communicate and interact with others (Venus in Leo).

This sextile can be beneficial for initiatives involving collaboration, artistic projects, or any other activity that blends action with passionate expressiveness.

In general, this transit can bring a period in which you find harmonious ways to express your passions and desires, and interactions with others are full of warmth and creativity. Remember that astrology has a subjective interpretation and interpretations can vary depending on your personal astrological chart.

Wednesday – September 20, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mercury in Virgo.

On September 20th at 17:05:57 (Romanian local time) Moon ingress Sagittarius.

Thursday – September 21, 2023 – The day is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus forms a trine with Mercury in Virgo, which can bring a constructive combination of expansion and analytical thinking. During this transit, you may find that the process of learning and communication is accompanied by a broader and beneficial approach (Jupiter retrograde in Taurus) regarding personal development and the practical application of knowledge (Mercury in Virgo). This aspect can facilitate effective learning, clear communication, and approaching projects with a wider perspective, contributing to your personal growth and development.

In general, this transit can bring a period in which you can find efficient ways to learn and communicate, with an emphasis on practical application and personal development. Keep in mind that astrological interpretations are subjective and that astrology lacks a solid scientific basis.

Friday – September 22, 2023 – The day is ruled by Venus in Leo.

At 22:31:09 (Romanian local time) – The First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius at the anaretic degree of 29 suggests a period in which we focus on relationships with others and exploring new perspectives in collaboration. At the same time, we feel eager to bring order and improvements to the home and family sphere. The anaretic degree can underscore the desire to finish and organize these aspects before moving on to new initiatives.

At 23:20:19 (Romanian local time) Moon enters Capricorn.

Saturday – September 23, 2023 – The day is ruled by Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

The SUN enters the sign of LIBRA on August 23, 2023, at 09:49:58 (Romanian local time). Happy birthday to all Libra natives! Here’s the profile of the Libra native in this #astrovlog:       

Sunday – September 24, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Sun in Libra.

An almost KITE formation is about to take shape. Do you have a kite in your natal chart?

Monday – September 25, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Moon in Capricorn and Aquarius.

At 02:29:27 (Romanian local time) Moon enters Aquarius in the 7th house and forms a trine with the Sun in Libra in the 3rd house, which can facilitate open and authentic communication in relationships and partnerships. We are more willing to listen to and understand others’ points of view. Relationships can benefit from a balance between emotional independence (Moon in Aquarius) and the need for harmony and cooperation (Sun in Libra).

Tuesday – September 26, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mars in Libra.

From September 22 to October 4, Mars in Libra forms a conjunction with the South Node in Libra and an opposition with the North Node in Aries.

The conjunction with the South Node suggests that this could be a period where it’s important to reflect on how you’re using your energy and actions in your relationships and decide what needs to be left behind.

The opposition with the North Node in Aries can add pressure to take initiatives and move towards what offers opportunities for personal growth and individuality.

This transit might require finding a balance between maintaining harmony in relationships (Mars in Libra and South Node) and asserting your own path of action and personal expression (North Node in Aries).

In general, this transit can bring awareness of the need to balance connecting with others and following your own path. You might feel a strong motivation to find this balance in your life. Remember that astrological interpretations are subjective and astrology lacks a solid scientific basis.

Wednesday – September 27, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mercury in Virgo.

At 03:18:06 (Romanian local time) Moon enters Pisces.

Venus in Leo forms a square with Uranus retrograde in Taurus and a sextile with Mars and the South Node in Libra: The square between Venus and Uranus can bring unexpected changes in relationships and values, possibly causing tensions regarding affection expression or the desire for independence.

The sextile between Venus and Mars and the South Node in Libra can bring opportunities to balance relationships and learn from past experiences.

In general, this astrological configuration can bring a period where you need to navigate changes and tensions in relationships while trying to maintain balance and learn from karmic lessons related to past interactions. Remember that astrological interpretations are subjective and astrology lacks a solid scientific basis.

Thursday – September 28, 2023 – The day is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.

The Moon in Pisces forms a sextile with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus: The Moon and Jupiter form a favorable aspect to blend emotion with expansion.

During this transit, you might experience an amplification of intuition and connection with the inner world (Moon in Pisces), while facing a broader perception of personal values and how you integrate them into life (Jupiter retrograde in Taurus).

This aspect can bring opportunities to expand your understanding of values and how they relate to your emotions and connection with the surrounding world.

In general, this transit can bring a period where you can find a balance between inner sensitivity and personal aspirations, learning to use your intuition to navigate through challenges and opportunities. Remember that astrological interpretations are subjective and that astrology lacks a solid scientific basis.

Friday – September 29, 2023 – The day is ruled by Venus in Leo.

On September 29th at 03:17:14 (Romanian local time) The Moon enters Aries.

On September 29th at 12:57:00 (Romanian local time) – Full Moon in Aries in the 5th house and the Sun in Libra in the 11th house – these two positions can bring a balance between your personal needs and the desire to connect with others. The intense energy of the Full Moon in Aries can be softened by the desire to maintain harmony and balance in relationships, characteristic of the Sun in Libra.

This interaction can bring a period where you confidently express your creativity and passions while considering the relationships and needs of those around you. It can be an excellent time for creative collaborations or enjoying social events with friends and groups in your life.

In general, this transit can bring a period where you try to find the balance between personal needs and social relationships, and you can experience both individual enthusiasm and harmony in interactions with others.

Saturday – September 30, 2023 – The day is ruled by Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

Venus in Leo forms a trine with the North Node in Aries and a sextile with Mars and the South Node in Libra: The trine between Venus and the North Node suggests that this could be a favorable period to focus on personal values and express your creativity in an individual and authentic way.

The sextile between Venus and Mars and the South Node in Libra can bring opportunities to balance relationships and learn from past experiences.

In general, this astrological configuration can bring a period where you can find harmonious ways to express your personal values, passions, and creativity in your relationships, and the karmic direction can support your transformation and personal evolution. Remember that astrological interpretations are subjective and that astrology lacks a solid scientific basis.

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It is important to know that; all chart interpretations are done by an Astrologer and not by computer software. Computer software is used only to draw the chart.


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I believe that Astrology is a useful tool for understanding ourselves and others. I invite you for a journey into the fascinating world of Astrology!

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I wish you a lovely Autumn!

Monica Lazar
