On APRIL 19, the SUN ingress in TAURUS: Happy Birthday for all natives!

This month we have no planets in retrograde motion.

MOON PHASES (New York time, USA):

FULL MOON in LIBRA on APRIL 7 at 22:35: You are invited to readjust your financial situation. In this pandemic context is exactly what you need. Let’s rethink radically (cardinal signs) how you use and make money. If we do not change anything in this area, consequences will be difficult to repair. In all this madness (as it is an induced hysteria) you will rediscover some extraordinary resources, but it is up to each of you to use them efficiently and especially wisely.

NEW MOON in TAURUS on APRIL 22 at 22:25: You have a new chance for financial growth that is healthier, more natural, simpler and without fancy needs, more focused on resources. You can build long term stability that brings material and emotional balance. Do not forget that the Moon in Taurus is in exaltation, so it has a great force of action.

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MERCURY is in PISCES in direct motion.

MERCURY is in ARIES between April 11 and 27: You tend to convey everything that goes through your head, quickly and efficiently. Your ideas go through your head like the high-speed train. Try to stop this train at your own station to pick up useful ideas. Have more patience with those who do not keep up with you!

Also find out about how MERCURY is RETROGRADE in 2020: https://youtu.be/HAiWMg8U_oc  


VENUS is in TAURUS until April 3: Romanticism and material security go very well together, and you want stable relationships. You are attracted to everything that has to do with sensuality, but you also have the gift of managing money.

VENUS is in GEMINI between April 3 and August 7 including a retrograde cycle. Find more about VENUS is RETROGRADE in 2020 in this astrovlog:  https://youtu.be/IyfHpkXcHMg   


MARS is in AQUARIUS between March 30 and May 13: You are very determined to fight for your own independence and fight for yourself first and foremost. Then you will help others to free themselves. Understand that time is most valuable, and it costs. Be rebellious but for a clear and effective cause! Especially since at the entrance of the planet Mars into Aquarius he makes an exact conjunction with Saturn in Aquarius (and he recently entered Aquarius). You feel like you are pulling the handbrake. It’s like wall-headed and you don’t understand where you have this jam. It’s not a blockage, it’s just a delay of events. Saturn being the ruler of time tends to delay events, another solution is patience and perseverance. It’s not easy but now is the time to learn the lesson of patience. You have everything you need – ambition, perseverance, strategic thinking and discipline.

Also find out about how MARS is RETROGRADE in 2020:  https://youtu.be/szfgCW4mOcQ


TRUE NODE NODES are on CANCER – CAPRICORN AXIS: People get greater concern for comfort, protection, family, food, increasing the importance of emotions in relationships with others and looking for a happier life. This is the last month when this transit is active. Here you find how this transit can help all of you according with your Ascendant: https://youtu.be/QqtBXST5UgY  


JUPITER is in CAPRICORN until December 19 in 2020: In which personal house Jupiter will pass during this transit, there is an interest in controlled expansion, through organization, structuring, practical thinking, everything built with patience and perseverance. Here you have a vlog about this transit: https://youtu.be/6hwW3lIVGWA


SATURN is in AQUARIUS and listen this #astrovlog because I am talking about social and personal impact of this transit and its effect for each Ascendant: https://youtu.be/fJCstaNqBA0


Here you have a vlog about JUPITER and SATURN retrograde cycles in 2020: https://youtu.be/d7XZHIgN9nQ


URANUS is in TAURUS. Here you have a video about URANUS in TAURUS transit: https://youtu.be/1wky51I8pzE


PLUTO in direct motion in CAPRICORN. South Node and Pluto are in a conjunction in Capricorn – depending on the house this conjunction is passing through on the natal chart of each of you, it can create frustration and the impression that nothing comes out of you. This conjunction teaches you to be patient, to persevere in what you want to achieve, and to change what is needed in your own life.


NEPTUNE has been transiting the PISCES for a while, until March 29, 2025: Neptune does not fall into the category of personal planets and has a personal impact only if it creates conjunction with personal planets in the natal chart. The impact of this planet is greater on the social, mundane, mass level. I would not be surprised that by the end of this transit, things will be settled so that we have only one religion for all nations. Not the other way around, but it’s easier to manipulate people, the control is greater. I would like you to understand that institutional religion is one and deep belief in something beyond our power is something else. Sometimes they coincide, in the sense that you can find a priest or a monk with grace who can guide you and show you the right way. But it is clear to all of you that it is a strictly personal choice and there is no need to let everyone to know what you have chosen.

Also, during history Neptune in Pisces have been involved in many pandemic crises.

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for the latest news on Astrology! It is important to know that; all chart interpretations are done by an Astrologer and not by computer software. Computer software is used only to draw the chart.

IMPORTANT NOTES: In all my astrological research and interpretations, I use the Whole signs (house system) because it is the oldest house system (used by ancient Greek astrologers) who has proven its real value during history. When I am writing about aspects between planets, I use aspect from sign to sign; I am using a traditional way of interpretation of aspects. An aspect is not a must to be at perfect orb to have an effect. It is enough if we have a planet in a sign that forms an aspect with another planet from another sign. The most powerful aspects are conjunctions, oppositions, squares and trines. 

I wish you the best transits in 2020!

Monica Lazar
