In this article all hours are on Romanian local time.

Sunday – October 1, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Sun in Libra

At 16:18:03 (Romanian local time) – The Moon enters Taurus (in exaltation)

Until October 5, MERCURY transits the sign of VIRGO and is already in direct motion after a period of retrograde. How did you function during this retrograde period?

MARS transits the sign of Libra until October 12:

During this period, relationships undergo a passionate rejuvenation, and conflicts may arise in the efforts to find a balance between personal needs and those of others. Mars in Libra brings a provocative and decisive energy, encouraging individuals to firmly express their desires and establish healthy boundaries in their relationships.

This transit offers a unique opportunity to bring passion and justice into balance, to transform conflicts into growth opportunities and mutual understanding. It’s a time when we can learn to take risks in love and actively support our life partners and friends in the pursuit of authentic harmony.

Until October 4, Mars in Libra forms an approaching conjunction with the South Node and an approaching opposition with the North Node.

When Mars forms a conjunction with the South Node in Libra, the hot and passionate Martian energy blends with the karmic energies of our past, related to relationships, harmony, and balance. This transit highlights our desires and how we relate to others in terms of relationships and justice.

The conjunction with the South Node challenges us to look back at our past and evaluate how we’ve expressed our desires and passions in our previous relationships. It can be a period of reflection on how we’ve handled conflicts and balance in our partnerships and how we can integrate these lessons into the present.

At the same time, Mars’s opposition to the North Node in Aries adds additional tension to this transit. The bold and powerful Martian energy opposes the karmic direction we need to evolve towards. This opposition can cause friction and conflicts between our need for independence and the desire to build harmonious and balanced relationships.

This astral configuration challenges us to consciously integrate Martian energy in constructive ways and find ways to take risks in a balanced and responsible manner. It’s an opportunity to learn to assert our personal desires and needs in a way that respects and supports the needs of others.

Monday – October 2, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Moon in Taurus (in exaltation)

VENUS transits the sign of Leo until October 9, going through a retrograde period.

Venus has been in direct motion in Leo since September 5, 2023. How have you experienced this retrograde? In which house of your natal chart did the retrograde of the planet Venus transit?

SATURN transits the sign of Pisces until February 13, 2026. From this vlog, you can learn about the general influence, the history of this transit, and the influence for each Ascendant:

Until November 5, SATURN is in retrograde motion and brings introspective and reflective energy regarding responsibilities, boundaries, and life structures. This transit can emphasize the need to examine and reevaluate how we fulfill our responsibilities and build the foundations of our lives.

Saturn is associated with discipline, responsibility, and maturity. In the sign of Pisces, Saturn’s energy is brought forth in a more subtle, intuitive, and sensitive manner. This transit can bring a period in which we need to look inward and explore the deeper aspects of ourselves, our personal limits, and the structures we have built.

Saturn’s retrograde suggests that it’s time to review and reflect on how we relate to responsibilities and the construction of a solid foundation in our lives. We may need to confront fears, blockages, and personal limits that have held us back and resolve them to reach our full potential.

Pisces is a sign associated with sensitivity, intuition, and connecting with the deeper dimensions of life. Saturn’s transit in this sign can bring a period in which we are called to connect more deeply with our intuition, listen to our inner voice, and use our intuition to guide our decisions.

During this transit, we may become more aware of our emotional and spiritual limits and responsibilities. We may feel the need to confront our inner fears and blockages, release old patterns, and take responsibility for our own spiritual and emotional evolution.

Tuesday – October 3, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mars in Libra (in exile)

At 08:03:06 (Romanian local time) – The Moon enters Gemini

JUPITER is transiting the sign of Taurus until May 26, 2024, and here is an #astrovlog about the significance of this transit and its impact for each rising sign:

Until December 30, 2023, Jupiter is in retrograde motion.

Between December 30, 2023, and January 1, 2024, Jupiter is in direct station.

Between January 1 and May 26, 2024, Jupiter is in direct motion.

Here’s what effects this retrograde may have:

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus can bring a period of review and reflection on how we approach personal growth and expansion in material and pragmatic aspects of life. We may question if the directions or projects we initiated previously are still suitable for achieving our goals.

Taurus is a zodiac sign that values stability and gradual building. During Jupiter’s retrograde transit in Taurus, we might feel the need to slow down and examine details more carefully before making major decisions or advancing large projects.

Jupiter retrograde in Taurus can provide an opportunity to reevaluate what we consider valuable and significant concerning material possessions, financial resources, and material comfort. We may wonder if we are overly focused on things that don’t truly bring us long-term satisfaction.

Taurus is associated with sensory pleasures and connection to the senses. Jupiter retrograde in Taurus may encourage a deeper exploration of enjoyable experiences and how we find joy in our daily lives.

Wednesday – October 4, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mercury in Virgo.

Between October 5th and October 22nd, MERCURY transits the sign of LIBRA, favoring communication through diplomacy and good manners. People tend to be more focused on maintaining harmony and balance in their interactions. This means that we are more willing to listen and understand others’ viewpoints and seek solutions that satisfy all parties involved.

This transit can make us more aware of the different perspectives and opinions existing in a situation. We are more open to dialogue and collaboration, which can lead to easier conflict resolution.

It is preferable to pay more attention to justice and fairness in communication and decision-making. We may feel more motivated to make fair decisions and treat people with respect and justice.

In some cases, Mercury in Libra can lead to conflict avoidance or a fear of speaking bluntly to maintain harmony. It is important to find a balance between conflict avoidance and honest expression of our opinions.

This transit can also bring a tendency to analyze our relationships more deeply and seek ways to improve them. We may pay more attention to our partner’s needs or the dynamics of the relationship in general.

Although Mercury in Libra promotes balanced thinking, we may find ourselves in situations where we need to make difficult decisions that involve compromises. It may be necessary to carefully weigh the options and find solutions that are fair and equitable for all parties involved.

Thursday – October 5, 2023 – The day is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.

At 03:31:46 AM – The Moon enters Cancer (in its domicile).

URANUS is in TAURUS for a long journey, which concludes on April 26, 2026.

I won’t dwell on what this transit in Taurus represents, as I’ve already inundated you with this topic. Instead, I’d like to know in which area of your life you tend to act differently, uniquely, compared to most people? And what happened in your life when you broke away from conformity? In this #astrovlog, I explain the situations you’ll be facing until April 2026:

Until January 28, 2024, Uranus in Taurus is in retrograde motion, and we are called upon to open our minds and hearts to unexplored possibilities. Wild and brilliant ideas shine in our consciousness, and the desire to break free from conventional constraints intensifies. Amidst the chaos, we discover that freedom lies in transformation and the ability to embrace change as part of our evolution.

This retrograde journey asks us to confront our own fears and break free from self-imposed limits. In the cosmic chaos, we find the opportunity to uncover our true essence and make revolutionary changes in our lives.

Uranus retrograde in Taurus reminds us that our core values and inner stability can be transformed through adaptability and openness to novelty. In the midst of this cosmic vortex, we learn to appreciate the beauty of diversity and seek innovative ways to express our authenticity and uniqueness.

As Uranus retrograde in Taurus navigates the labyrinth of our inner universe, we come alive and open up to new horizons. We are encouraged to infuse the world with fresh perspectives and challenge the status quo, contributing to a transformative change on a personal and collective level.

Friday – October 6, 2023 – The day is ruled by Venus in Leo.

At 16:47:00 – Last Quarter Moon in Cancer: It’s time to reflect on your personal values and consider how to align your aspirations with daily responsibilities. This may be an opportune moment to clarify your goals and find ways to integrate your personal aspirations into your everyday life.

It can remind you of the connection between thoughts and emotions and how they can influence the way you live your daily life. You may need to delve deeper into your own feelings and better understand your inner needs.

It’s important to find a balance between the desire for expansion and the need for security and to pay attention to the relationship between your mind and your emotions. By using this energy constructively, you can achieve your personal goals and find harmony in your daily life.

Saturday – October 7, 2023 – The day is ruled by Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

In its transit, Mercury in Libra forms an applying conjunction with the Sun in Libra between October 7th and October 20th, and communication can be accompanied by a diplomatic attitude, more focused on maintaining harmony in relationships.

You are focused on maintaining harmony in your interactions. You can be more open to negotiations and finding solutions that satisfy all parties involved. Additionally, you may tend to analyze your relationships more carefully and seek ways to improve them. It’s important to be mindful of how you express yourself and articulate your needs and desires in a balanced and fair manner.

Sunday – October 8, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Sun in Libra.

At 03:31:46 AM – The Moon enters Leo.

The Lunar Nodes are transiting the Aries-Libra axis and will continue to influence until January 12, 2025, at 01:01:30. Here’s an #astrovlog about the general impact of this transit and its influence on each Ascendant:

Monday – October 9, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Moon in Leo.

VENUS is transiting the sign of Virgo between October 9th and November 8th, bringing increased attention to relationships, love, and personal values, but in a way specific to this earth sign. It’s possible that we may place greater importance on small gestures, such as gifts or attention to our partner’s health and well-being.

We may become more selective when it comes to partners or reevaluate our expectations in love and other areas of life.

There is also heightened focus on health, and we may be motivated to adopt healthier habits or pay more attention to well-being.

We will feel the need to organize our space, schedule, or finances more efficiently, which can have a constructive impact.

In love, this transit can bring a more practical and rational approach. People may seek partners who share their practical values and interests. They may also emphasize building a solid and lasting relationship.

There is potential for this transit to also bring a tendency to be overly self-critical or perfectionistic in relationships and other aspects of life. It’s important to find a balance between the desire for improvement and high standards and self-acceptance.

In its transit, Venus in Virgo forms an applying opposition with Saturn retrograde in Pisces (October 9-10).

Tension and constraint in relationships can create an atmosphere of tension and constraint in relationships, including the romantic partnership. Venus symbolizes love, harmony, and pleasure, while Saturn brings responsibility, restrictions, and life lessons. This aspect can bring unresolved issues or difficulties in communication with your life partner to the surface.

Even though this opposition may bring challenges in relationships, it can also provide an opportunity to work on these issues and resolve them. Saturn is associated with maturity and wisdom gained through experience, so this can be a time when you take responsibility for problematic aspects of your relationship and try to correct them.

Additionally, this opposition may indicate a need to find a balance between pleasure and responsibility, between personal desires and commitments or obligations to others. It’s important to try to find this balance in your life for healthy and satisfying relationships.

You may feel the need to prioritize practical aspects more or pay more attention to your spiritual and emotional values.

Tuesday – October 10, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mars in Libra (in detriment).

At 03:31:46 AM – The Moon enters Virgo.

NEPTUNE is transiting the sign of Pisces until March 30, 2025, at 13:59. First and foremost, Neptune does not fall into the category of personal planets and has a personal impact only when it forms a conjunction with personal planets in the natal chart. Its impact is more significant on a social and mundane level, affecting the masses.

Neptune in Pisces is in retrograde motion until December 7, 2023.


The transit of Neptune retrograde in the sign of Pisces brings profoundly spiritual energy, inviting us to connect more deeply with the subtler and more intuitive aspects of our lives. This transit can usher in a period of reflection, review, and inner transformation.

Neptune is associated with spirituality, imagination, compassion, and connection to higher dimensions of existence. In the sign of Pisces, Neptune is at home and expresses itself most naturally. This transit intensifies Neptune’s energy and brings it into a deeper and more introspective realm.

The retrograde motion of Neptune indicates a time when we are called to reflect on our inner illusions and confusions. We may be prompted to confront fears, blocks, or dependencies that have held us captive and work towards releasing them. It’s a favorable moment to unveil and bring to light the subtler and more hidden aspects of our selves.

During this transit, we may become more sensitive and receptive to subtle energies and influences around us. Intuition and connection to the spiritual plane can be amplified, offering us the opportunity to listen to our inner voice and guide our lives in a deeper and more authentic way.

Wednesday – October 11, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mercury in Libra.

PLUTO is in retrograde motion in Capricorn until October 12th.

In general, the message of Pluto’s retrograde journey through these two signs is to free ourselves from old constraints and patterns, to embrace our inner power, and to transform aspects that no longer serve us. We are offered the opportunity to confront hidden aspects and unspoken truths, both in our personal lives and in society as a whole.

Starting on October 12th at 04:09:40 AM, Pluto will resume its direct motion in the sign of Capricorn for the last time. This transit has been long-lasting; Pluto entered Capricorn on November 27, 2008, during a global crisis. In which house does Pluto transit in Capricorn for you? How have you evolved or reinvented yourself during this period?

Thursday – October 12, 2023 – The day is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.

MARS is transiting the sign of Scorpio between October 12th and November 24th (in its domicile), and it can bring forth strong desires, increased sexual energy, and a general intensity in actions and emotions. You may be determined to achieve what you desire.

This transit can motivate you to deeply engage in projects or challenges. You have the capacity to overcome obstacles with resilience and courage.

During this transit, you may be more interested in exploring deep subjects, revealing secrets, or delving into matters that concern you.

You may feel a strong desire to assert yourself and protect your interests, possibly leading to a desire for life changes or eliminating things that no longer serve your purpose. Mars in Scorpio can intensify sexual energy and bring a greater desire for intimacy and deep connections in relationships.

Be cautious of the tendency to become possessive or jealous in relationships during this transit. Scorpio can bring feelings of possessiveness and control.

Friday – October 13, 2023 – The day is ruled by Venus in Virgo (in detriment).

At 03:22:07 AM – The Moon enters Libra.

Saturday – October 14, 2023 – The day is ruled by Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

At 20:55:06 – New Moon in Libra and Annular Solar Eclipse – I will post a vlog on YouTube about this eclipse on October 8th.

Sunday – October 15, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Sun in Libra.

At 14:04:04 – The Moon enters Scorpio (in its fall).

In its transit, Mercury in Libra forms an applying conjunction with the South Node in Libra and an opposition with the North Node in Aries between October 15th and October 19th. This may bring a tendency to reproduce past communication or relationship patterns, which could focus too much on balance and harmony at the expense of individual assertion. With Mercury’s opposition to the North Node in Aries, there may be tensions between diplomatic communication and the desire to act independently and express individuality.

Monday – October 16, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Moon in Scorpio.

In its transit, Venus in Virgo forms an applying trine with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus (October 16 – 22), indicating a period in which you may feel at ease regarding relationships and personal pleasures. You might experience an increase in love and joy in your life and feel luckier in terms of relationships or romantic opportunities.

Jupiter is associated with expansion and growth, and this trine can bring a desire to expand or make significant improvements in your relationships or personal values. It can be a suitable time for making positive and constructive changes in these areas.

Jupiter brings an increase in self-confidence and optimism. This aspect can help boost confidence in your ability to love and be loved and bring a sense of optimism about your future relationships. This trine can contribute to achieving goals related to relationships or personal values, giving you a push in the desired direction.

Under the influence of this trine, you may appreciate the beauty around you more and place greater importance on your personal values. It’s a good time to cultivate gratitude and appreciation for the things that truly matter to you.

Tuesday – October 17, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mars in Scorpio (in its domicile).

At 22:36:22 – The Moon enters Sagittarius.

Wednesday – October 18, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mercury in Libra.

In its transit, Mars in Scorpio forms an applying opposition with Jupiter retrograde in Taurus (October 19-28), creating a confrontation between intense desires and impulses and the desire to keep things as they are. It’s important to be realistic and careful not to be led into excesses or unnecessary risks.

The opposition between Mars and Jupiter can create tension and conflict, especially in areas related to personal desires and objectives. It can be a time when you feel more impulsive and provocative, which can lead to conflicts with those around you. To successfully manage this opposition, it may be necessary to find a balance between your personal desires and ambitions (Mars in Scorpio) and the need to consider your existing limits and resources (Jupiter retrograde in Taurus). Compromise and negotiation may be essential.

You may reevaluate your goals and make adjustments to be more in harmony with your own values.

Thursday – October 19, 2023 – The day is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.

Friday – October 20, 2023 – The day is ruled by Venus in Virgo (in detriment).

At 04:54:41 AM – The Moon enters Capricorn (in detriment).

Saturday – October 21, 2023 – The day is ruled by Saturn retrograde in Leo.

In its transit, Mars in Scorpio forms an applying conjunction with Mercury in Scorpio (between October 22-29), and you can have a very detailed and focused approach to issues and subjects. Your thinking can be extremely penetrating and investigative.

This conjunction can bring direct and passionate communication. You may be determined to express your views intensely and be very persuasive in discussions. However, you should be careful not to be too impulsive or use words to hurt someone.

Mars brings the energy and determination to solve problems, and Mercury in Scorpio brings the ability to analyze deeply and find solutions. This conjunction can be very useful for investigating and finding solutions to complex problems.

It may be a suitable time for research or investigations, and you may be motivated to take quick and efficient actions.

Since this conjunction can bring passionate and direct communication, there is potential for verbal conflicts or saying harsh things in moments of frustration or tension. It’s important to be aware of the impact of your words on others and try to communicate wisely.

Sunday – October 22, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Sun in Libra.

At 06:29:03 AM – The First Quarter Moon in Capricorn:

Tension may arise between your personal needs and responsibilities to family or home. You might feel pressured to meet certain family demands while still desiring to maintain your independence and individuality.

It can also prompt you to reassess your relationship with your family and delve deeper into your emotions and connections with them. It may be a suitable time to find a balance between your own life and family responsibilities.

This square can bring challenges in your relationships with others. It’s important to pay attention to how you manage your relationships and how they affect your emotional state.

Additionally, it can bring intense emotions and stress. Trying to meet family expectations while preserving your own identity can create emotional tensions. It’s important to take time to manage these emotions and find ways to maintain a healthy balance.

At 09:06:07 AM – The Moon enters Aquarius.

Monday – October 23, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Moon in Aquarius.

The SUN enters the sign of SCORPIO on October 23, 2023, at 07:20:51 PM. Happy birthday to all Scorpio natives! Here’s the Scorpio native profile in this #astrovlog:

In its transit, Mars in Scorpio forms an approaching conjunction with the Sun in Scorpio (between October 23 and November 18), amplifying your energy and determination, making you feel a strong desire to take action and achieve your goals. You can be very determined to get what you want and overcome obstacles with resilience and courage.

You have the ability to deeply focus on what truly matters to you and make significant progress in these areas. You may feel a strong motivation to confront challenges and pursue your passions and personal goals.

This conjunction can bring forth strong and profound emotions. You may feel more passionate and deeply connected to your desires and needs.

You have an increased desire to uncover secrets or explore hidden subjects. It may be a suitable time for investigations or to bring important matters to light.

On Tuesday, October 24, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mars in Scorpio (domicile).

At 11:32:51 AM – The Moon enters Pisces.

On Wednesday, October 25, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mercury in Scorpio.

In its transit, Venus in Virgo forms an applying trine with retrograde Uranus in Taurus (October 26 – 31), bringing an open and innovative attitude towards relationships. You may be more willing to try new things and bring creative changes to how you experience love and pleasure. Relationships can become more interesting and unconventional.

It can also bring an increase in joy and enthusiasm in relationships and romantic experiences. You can feel a revitalizing energy regarding love and pleasure.

This aspect can encourage the exploration and awareness of your personal needs and desires in relationships and pleasure. You may have an increased desire to be authentic and follow your own passions and interests within a relationship.

This trine can help bring novelty and dynamism into your relational routine.

Under the influence of this trine, you may appreciate uniqueness and individuality more in your partner or relationships. You might be attracted to people who are different and unique.

This trine can bring surprising opportunities in the realm of relationships or personal values. You might meet new people or experience unexpected changes in your romantic or social life.

On Thursday, October 26, 2023 – The day is ruled by Jupiter retrograde in Taurus.

At 1:01:32 PM – The Moon enters Aries.

On Friday, October 27, 2023 – The day is ruled by Venus in Virgo (in exile).

In its transit, Venus in Virgo forms an applying opposition with retrograde Saturn in Pisces (October 28 – November 4), which can create a tendency towards confusion and illusions regarding relationships and love. It may be challenging to distinguish between reality and fantasy in your relationships.

During this transit, you might idealize your partner or see the relationship in a more romantic light than it actually is. However, as the transit unfolds, you may face disillusionment as you begin to see the less-than-perfect aspects of the relationship or your partner.

This opposition can emphasize the need for clarity and seeing things as they truly are in relationships. It’s essential to pay attention to warning signs and not get caught up in illusions or relationships that don’t fulfill your needs or are unhealthy.

You may be more open to expressing emotions and showing affection in creative and artistic ways.

It can be tempting to avoid or neglect real issues in the relationship during this transit, as Neptune can bring a desire to escape and see the world through rose-colored glasses. It’s crucial to try to remain aware of what’s genuinely happening and not ignore warning signs.

On Saturday, October 28, 2023 – The day is ruled by Saturn retrograde in Pisces.

At 2:44:11 PM – The Moon enters Taurus (in exaltation).

At 11:24:00 PM – I will post a vlog on YouTube about this eclipse on October 15.

On Sunday, October 29, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Sun in Scorpio.

On Monday, October 30, 2023 – The day is ruled by the Moon in Taurus and Gemini.

At 5:07:42 PM – The Moon enters Gemini.

On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 – The day is ruled by Mars in Scorpio.

In its transit, Mars in Scorpio forms an applying opposition with retrograde Uranus in Taurus between November 1 and 12, and you will feel a significant increase in your energy. You can be full of determination and a strong desire to reach your goals, but it’s essential to channel this energy constructively to avoid conflicts or impulsive actions. You may feel the need to break free from current constraints or routines. There might be a desire for significant changes in your life, but you should be cautious about how you manage them to avoid unnecessary risks.

The opposition between Mars and Uranus can generate tension and impulsiveness. You may feel very impatient and encounter sudden changes in your plans. It’s essential to stay calm and avoid hasty decisions or actions that could lead to conflicts or undesirable situations.

Despite these tensions, this transit can offer a clear perspective on issues and an exceptional ability to find creative solutions. You may be able to understand problems from a different perspective and find unconventional ways to resolve them.

As this opposition comes with an increased risk of accidents or impulsive actions, it’s crucial to be extremely attentive to your safety and that of those around you. Avoid dangerous behaviors and irresponsible driving.

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Monica Lazar
